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    In Future Intrauterine Surgery May Improve Prognosis For The Fetus

    Fetuses with congenital malformations can be helped by surgical intervention while still in the womb. The potential of intrauterine surgery to improve their chances of survival is described by Anke Diemert and her co-authors in the latest issue of Deutsches Arzteblatt International (Dtsch...
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    Sex Of Fetus Can Often Be Verified By Testing DNA From Mother's Blood

    A report in the August 10 issue of JAMA states, that reviews and analysis of previous studies have revealed that a noninvasive method of determining the sex of a fetus by using cell-free fetal DNA obtained from the mother's blood 7 weeks after gestation performed well compared with urine-based...
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    do Pro-Abortion people think a fetus is just a piece of meet ?

    we don't know nor will realize exactly what is a soul and its clear that a fetus is a half cooked human, isn't logical to assume they have souls ,how can someone be sure its soulless? and kill his son or daughter and consider it freedom. Muslims believe that god install souls in fetuses when...
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    do Pro-Abortion people think a fetus is just a piece of meet ?

    we don't know nor will realize exactly what is a soul and its clear that a fetus is a half cooked human, isn't logical to assume they have souls ,how can someone be sure its soulless? and kill his son or daughter and consider it freedom. Muslims believe that god install souls in fetuses when...
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    Why can't some people understand that a fetus is still life?

    what give anyone the right to murder that life when that life never did anything wrong ?
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    Why can't some people understand that a fetus is still life?

    what give anyone the right to murder that life when that life never did anything wrong ?
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    State Abortion Debates Increasingly Center On Fetus

    States are advancing a growing number of antiabortion-rights bills that seek to recast the debate to "cente[r] directly on the fetus," NPR's "All Things Considered" reports. More than 350 antiabortion measures have been introduced in state legislatures this year, and at least two dozen have...
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    The Transfer Of Maternal Thyroid Hormones To The Fetus Demonstrated In Vivo

    Until now there were only indirect evidence of the transfer of thyroid hormones from mother to fetus through the placenta during pregnancy. That event is very important because the maternal thyroid hormones appear to play a key role in the development of the nervous system and other organs of...
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    Fetus Eaters - Diorrhea-Da Vinci Core-I Give You My Heart-Split-2006-GRW

    Category: Music-MP3 (Death Metal) Size: 63.61 MB Files: 49 (4 pars) Group: a.b.sounds.mp3.complete_cd .NFO: View NFO Posted: Mon September 28th 09:45:12 UTC Download NZB
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    Did I just have a premonition about the mother who was murdered and her fetus was...

    ...cut out? I woke up this morning, and I felt really sad and depressed for NO reason at all, and with alot of anxiety. Then out of no where I whispered "baby" and "mother dead" and I felt that a stranger or a person who was a mother was dying, then I logged onto AIM right now and then It popped...
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    Did I just have a premonition about the mother who was murdered and her fetus was

    cut out? I woke up this morning, and I felt really sad and depressed for NO reason at all, and with alot of anxiety. Then out of no where I whispered "baby" and "mother dead" and I felt that a stranger or a person who was a mother was dying, then I logged onto AIM right now and then It popped up...
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    Did I just have a premonition about the mother who was murdered and her fetus was

    cut out? I woke up this morning, and I felt really sad and depressed for NO reason at all, and with alot of anxiety. Then out of no where I whispered "baby" and "mother dead" and I felt that a stranger or a person who was a mother was dying, then I logged onto AIM right now and then It popped up...