
  1. R

    Why do guys always say dirty jokes and are flirtatious around me?

    The same guys will act differently with other girls; they'll be more shy and reserved, etc. Just wondering... I'm pretty reserved myself, but I love to have a good time, laugh, etc. People have said that I'm coy. I've been told I look like Zoey Deschanel or Katy Perry, so I don't think it's...
  2. R

    I need help with something sexually funny and flirtatious.?

    Me- I heard your moving in with your friend. (which is a girl) Her- yeah you will have to cum over sometime Me- using the word cum will give a person the wrong impression her- what impression did you get? me-_______________________ help me fill in the blank the words bleeped out is another...
  3. 2

    How can you avoid flirtatious girls?

    They try to seduce every guy around, even when I show them I am not interested they still try to flirt. This is my last year at college so I'm stuck dealing with them, any advice to get them to stop? I'm in class to learn, not to have fun, even when I put on a serious face they ask their friends...