
  1. D

    U.S. Founding Fathers & Early U.S. History: . Fiat Currency versus Gold-backed

    Currency? . [SEE BELOW]? As I understand it, a majority of modern academic economists argue that it is better for a country to use a fiat currency [not backed by gold/silver] than to use a currency backed by gold/silver, primarily because, properly managed, a fiat currency can produce a...
  2. T

    How do i start a rumor that Florida Senator Marco Rubio was a founding member of...

    ...hip-hop group Cypress Hill? I edited the wikipedia article to say that he's also known as MC Ruby and stuff like that and wikipedia changed it back right away so idk how i can start that rumor!
  3. S

    how important was religion in the founding and settlement of England north American

    colonies? I know that with out the religion the colonies wouldn't have made it but i was wondering if someone could help explain this to me better. I know that its how we got our states and how they started breaking away.. If someone could help explain this to me I would really appreciate it...
  4. T

    Founding Truth of the U.S. Constitution - Jan 27,2013

    What is our government doing, to the American people, that is not following the Constitution? Listen here and find out! More...
  5. T

    Founding Truth of the U.S. Constitution - Dec 23,2012

    What is our government doing, to the American people, that is not following the Constitution? Listen here and find out! More...
  6. W

    Liberals don't you have to admit our founding fathers must have gotten something

    right? Because what they created n 1787 resulted in this country becoming the most powerful economy the world has ever seen
  7. A

    Heart Attack Grill Owner Jon Basso Says Fast Food Honors Founding Fathers

    In the wake of news about a guy*having a heart attack while eating at the*Heart Attack Grill, owner*Jon Basso, is defending the restaurant's saying that it honors the way our Founding Fathers wanted us to live. I'm not sure what's worse: The fact that he's making fast food a patron...
  8. A

    Weakness in Ellis's Thesis for Founding Brothers?

    I need to find out some weaknesses to his thesis for my Critical analysis paper so if anybody can give me a few good weaknesses i would be thankful
  9. I

    spiritually speaking, has anyone read into the backstory of the founding of...

    ...the theory of evolution? some things to consider darwin was a creationist and was actually going out to support creationism. however darwin also had a love for biology and studying things. the main turning point where darwin left the church was the death of his daughter, darwin couldnt...
  10. M

    Conservatives: What are the rules for arguing "good enough for the Founding

    Fathers" -vs- "times have changed"? Half the time Conservatives say if something "was good enough for the Founding Fathers then it should be good enough for you." The other half they say "times have changed". I want to be a Conservative too, so how can I know when to use which?
  11. A

    Did the Founding Fathers create a right to gay marriage in the U.S....

    ...Constitution & overrule religion & culture? What do you think of the Ninth Circuit Court Judge Vaughn Walker and his claims that the presuppositions of centuries of religious and cultural presuppositions in the definition of marriage are mere bigotry? Should one unelected person have that...
  12. G

    Were the Founding Fathers crazy?

    Because remember, they too were against an over reaching government. They were advocates of the individual right to keep and bear arms. The document they wrote, called the Declaration of Independence, basically says that when the government becomes too tyrannical, we're supposed to state a coup...
  13. F

    Can anyone argue that the Founding Fathers were Conservatives?

    Conservatism (Latin: conservare, "to preserve")[1] is a political and social philosophy that promotes the maintenance of traditional institutions and opposes rapid change in society. Some conservatives seek to preserve things as they are, emphasizing stability and continuity, while others oppose...
  14. Y

    Did You Know that the Founding Fathers We Anti Semitic!!?

    GEORGE WASHINGTON: WASHINGTON, GEORGE, in Maxims of George Washington by A. A. Appleton & Co. "They (the Jews) work more effectively against us, than the enemy's armies. They are a hundred times more dangerous to our liberties and the great cause we are engaged in... It is much to be lamented...
  15. Y

    Did You Know that the Founding Fathers We Anti Semitic?

    GEORGE WASHINGTON: WASHINGTON, GEORGE, in Maxims of George Washington by A. A. Appleton & Co. "They (the Jews) work more effectively against us, than the enemy's armies. They are a hundred times more dangerous to our liberties and the great cause we are engaged in... It is much to be lamented...
  16. G

    The Myth of Christianity Founding Modern Science and Medicine

    If you've not seen this graph, or read this blog post, you should: Read the rest of this post... | Read the comments on this post... More...
  17. A

    Why do you think the founding fathers struggled to keep religion and

    politics separate? I think it has something to do with IQ and the important decisions involved in politics
  18. S

    >>> Rumors says the Turkey are a founding member of ESA?

    Turkish brothers... Many rumors says... Turkey are a founding member of ESA... It is truth...? Because if is truth... I feel so proud about this ! ! ! ESA = European Space Agency our Turkish azzholes are member of ESA ! ! !
  19. S

    >>> Rumors says the Turkey are a founding member of ESA?

    Turkish brothers... Many rumors says... Turkey are a founding member of ESA... It is truth...? Because if is truth... I feel so proud about this ! ! ! ESA = European Space Agency