
  1. F

    is there any game like freelancer on android os?

    is there any game like freelancer on android os? something like Space Miner or Galaxy on Fire 2 on an iphone..
  2. A

    What's the best book to read when you're a newbie freelancer?

    I wonder if there's a nice book out there that can help newbies to the world of freelancing. Thanks!
  3. A

    Can a freelancer use any of the free anti-virus software or will it be a...

    ...copyright violation? I have a laptop that I wish to use to develop and sell software as a freelancer. There are different anti-virus software that offer a free personal license. Can I use any of them on my laptop or do I have to purchase a commercial license.
  4. F

    as future web developer freelancer what technologies should I learn?

    PHP? MYSQL? FLASH? What are the technologies the most in demand when you decide to take the freelancing route>>
  5. F

    as future web developer freelancer what technologies should I learn?

    PHP? MYSQL? FLASH? What are the technologies the most in demand when you decide to take the freelancing route>>
  6. F

    as future web developer freelancer what technologies should I learn?

  7. Y

    how come freelancer wont connect to the internet?

    i get to the server list and it just says connecting. ive even let it connect over night and nothing has happened... why?