
  1. kowalskil

    Radiation:Fukushima reactors update

    Radiation:Fukushima reactors update The accident phase was enden in Fukushima, as described at: Japan's Fukushima reactors finally contained But the process of “decommisioning reactors” is expected to take 40 years. Ludwik Kowalski .
  2. G

    Google's Updated Street View of Fukushima Makes Me Want to Cry [Fukushima]

    Just look at the destruction. Seaside towns transformed into inland mountains of rubble. Google's traveled some 44,000 kilometers through tsunami-ravaged Japanese countryside to digitally archive the immense damage. Be sure to have a hanky at the ready when exploring. More »
  3. G

    Japan Nuclear Disaster Update # 40: Fukushima Plant Still Producing Energy! (In a ba

    The Fukushima nuclear power plant was opened to journalists for the first time; See below for numerous links to related stories. There appears to be very high levels of radiation at Fukushima plant reactor #3, and at either reactors 1 and 3, or both, nuclear fission may have been occurring...
  4. T

    Radiation Levels In Fukushima: Preliminary Report Reveals Relative Safety Of Resident

    Researchers have released a preliminary report on the effects of the Fukushima nuclear disaster on the surrounding areas, following radiation levels for approximately three months following the event and surveying more than 5,000 people in the region. The report was published in the online...
  5. G

    Disturbing Evidence of Recent Nuclear Reactions Found at Fukushima [Japan]

    Japan is hoping to have the wrecked Fukushima nuclear plant safely shuttered by the end of the year, but a little radioactive wrench just got dropped: inspectors have discovered evidence of very recent fission. That's bad news. More »
  6. T

    Fukushima Radiation Fallout Bigger Than Officially Reported

    Two reports released this month, one focusing on the marine, and the other on the atmospheric impact, find that the radiation fallout from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident following the earthquake and tsunami in March is bigger than that reported by the Japanese government...
  7. M

    any good fukushima jokes?

    does anyone have any good fukushima jokes? is it too soon for that?
  8. G

    Japan Nuclear Disaster Update 33: Fukushima is as interesting as it's ever been

    Things at Fukushima are about as interesting as they've ever been. We want to talk about specific problems at the reactor site, with radioactive material, cooling systems, etc. but first a few words about things happening more broadly, beginning with the largest and work towards the smallest...
  9. G

    Fukushima: Es war, es ist und es wird schlimmer sein als gedacht

    The Fukushima Update #30 has been translated into German. So if German is your preferred language, you can go read it here. Thanks Frank Braun for the translation. Read the comments on this post...
  10. G

    Has Fukushima Daiichi Reactor 2 Core Melted Down?

    It is said that it is physically impossible for the nuclear material in any of the Fukushima reactors to melt through the containment vessels. Despite a rumor of a crack in one of the vessels, nuclear power experts have maintained that it is impossible that there could be such a crack...
  11. U

    The Fukushima engineers are venting hydrogen from containment and done too fast it

    explodes outside? Is that what happened to #1 ? This hydrogen accumulates in the containment, but here is my main question -- how is it being produced? Some kind of unspecified hot chemical reactions are going on? The hydrogen is a disintegration product? Or is it mainly steam plus a little...