
  1. A

    Forget Her Hair, Gabby Douglas Now Claims Racial Bullying At Her Gym

    Long before*Gabby Douglas was bullied about her hair (because, you know, a girl's locks are much more important than a measly gold medal at the Olympics), she claims she was bullied about at her gym because she's black. More »Post from: Blisstree
  2. A

    Now Gabby Douglas Is Going To Angelina Jolie’s Hairstylist; Even He Thinks It’s Ridic

    The media frenzy surrounding Gabby Douglas's hair has become one of the most-cited examples of how the media got female athletes wrong in this year's Olympics. But the story hasn't blown over: Daily Beast announced today that the 16-year-old gymnast will be seeing Angelina Jolie's hairstylist...
  3. F

    Which celebrity does my best friend Gabby look like?

    I cant decide im usually really good at deciding this kinda thing but i really couldn't pin point it! thanks :)
  4. C

    I have old pictures of Gene Autry,Roy Rogers,and Gabby Hayes I was...

    ...wondering what they are worth? I also found a newspaper clipping from 1942 of The burning of the Normandie ship or bombing something along those lines.I was wondering what they are worth if anything.