
  1. A

    I’m Genuinely Concerned That Chris Brown Has Comprehension Problems

    Oh Chris Brown, you crazy old junkyard dog, you. I’ve written more than my fair share of posts marveling at your seeming lack of comprehension of any wrongdoing, but the marvelous thing about you is that no matter how many times I think you’ve done the most baffling thing I can imagine, you go...
  2. A

    Gregg Popovich is genuinely excited to coach the West All-Stars

    In addition to being one of best coaches in the NBA, Gregg Popovich of the San Antonio Spurs can be a big grump. He's well known as one of the league's least forthcoming interview subjects, treats between-quarter talks with sideline reporters as a burden, and generally seems to like any sort of...
  3. L

    What's the consensus? Do most people have someone who is always genuinely...

    ...interested in their lives? Do most people have someone who is genuinely interested in their lives as well as how they are and what they do (essentially a genuine expression of care)? For me I am lucky to have friends and family, but none of which seem to actually care or be interested in my...
  4. L

    Fishing and Islam? Genuinely interested.?

    From my understanding, i believe there is a procedure/ ritual of sorts throughout the slaughter of an animal for Muslim consumption. I was wondering, say a couple of Muslim friends go fishing just to catch a few for dinner, are certain steps taken from the time a fish is caught to the time it's...
  5. G

    Does it make you feel happy inside when you see someone genuinely laughing hard?

    it makes me laugh too because it gives me a glimpse of what their humor is like seeing what it was that made them crack up
  6. G

    When was the last time you felt genuinely violated, spiritually?

    If I was responsible, please accept my heartfelt apologies.
  7. F

    Can't read this older man's mind. Is he genuinely interested, or maybe it's...

    ...just some fun to him.? I've known him for over a year. I'm 23 and he's in his 30s. He is separated from his gf - never married. There's signs to suggests he's interested, but how do I know if it's genuine or a bit of fun. - He lends his jacket whenever he thinks I look cold & he will always...
  8. K

    Am I being used or is he genuinely interested in me?

    I have been talking to this guy for a couple of weeks. We recently had a talk, where he said, "well what do you want with this, because I don't know what I want". I told him that I didn't know him well enough to want anything serious yet, but I was enjoying our time together. He agreed and...
  9. T

    How many here were raised, genuinely, with no religion?

    My Maternal Grandparents (to whom I was very close) had no religion but were kind nonjudgmental people. My Paternal Grandmother was a lapsed Catholic with 11 kids but, after her husband died in WWII, divorced herself from the faith. My parents felt very strongly about social integration and...
  10. 8

    VERY long post about Anxiety - Only people who have time and are genuinely...

    ...interested in helping? Hi, i'm a 20 year old male with a hell of a problem and i feel so alone in this and would like to grab some outside opinions on this. I'm having a very hard time believeing that what i'm going through is anxiety and nothing else. Heres my story: I know i have always...
  11. I

    have any genuinely nice people from P & S ever had a song written about them ? : )?

    have any genuinely nice people from P & S ever had a song written about them ? : )? doh...meant to ask on P & S
  12. K

    Does he seem genuinely interested in her or not?

    If my hubby lingers around this other married woman in the sense here are some examples. We had a new years party, and him and her were dancing along with other friends in the house, but those two were dancing together and my hubby had his arm around her and they were talking and laughing...
  13. B

    Are there really any guys who are genuinely interested in girls who have?

    hearing loss(but talks normal), mental illness or wears glasses? or all the above>? didn't think so. Even so far as to marry the girl but others say "there's a guy out there for you" bull crap!(I'm talking about myself btw) Yes I can keep my mental illness under control Kenton you just said...
  14. A

    Why do guys feel the need to have a w a n k, I'm genuinely interested when

    they have a loving woman:)? waiting to please them at home
  15. R

    How do you know if a guy is too shy, or if he genuinely doesnt want to talk to you?

    I finally worked up the courage to talk to the guy i've had a crush on for about a year on facebook the other night. It was a pretty good conversation, but now when I see him around school, he pretends like im not even there, like it was before. How can you tell the difference between a guy...
  16. L

    Shall I just leave it or is he interested genuinely?

    I like this guy at work and we've been flirty and chatty previously. He is stunning too. However, I have been told that he is a player and have formed this bad impression of him. My close friends at work said 'he is out for what he can get'. We went to our work xmas party and he asked me who...
  17. U

    Anti-Evolutionists, raving lunatics or genuinely poorly educated turnip truck

    rejects? Cats get grumpy when they are dead.