
  1. B

    Did Jesus affirm the moral laws of Judaism, including the laws governing

    sexuality in Leviticus? I'm not talking about the regulations for diet, circumcision, and Sabbath, which he corrected, but rather the moral laws. Here is a link to Leviticus 20:
  2. S

    Who Is The Governing Body For MMA In The UK?

    I can't find it anywhere, or the athletic commission for the UK
  3. B

    Do the Hebrew dietary laws invalidate the moral laws of Judaism governing sexuality?

    Leviticus 18 records God's moral laws governing sexuality. Yet homosexualists (those who promote homosexuality as normal, natural, and moral) argue that Hebrew laws governing sexuality are not binding because of disciplinary regulations of diet, e.g., prohibitions against eating pork or...
  4. T

    Salk Scientists Discover A Highly Conserved Mechanism Governing Brain Development

    If you think today's political rhetoric is overheated, imagine what goes on inside a vertebrate embryo. There, two armies whose agendas are poles apart, engage in a battle with consequences much more dire than whether the economy will recover---- they are battling for whether you (or frogs or...
  5. C

    Doesn't Obama's "Bush-like" governing prove once and for all that......?

    both of them are merely puppets for the 'powers-that-be' who want a global government? The only way they can accomplish that is to destroy the US economically and place it's military under the control of the UN. Going back to Carter, Bush 1 and 2, Clinton, and now Obama have worked diligently...
  6. E

    governing a snowmobile?

    Ok so i know someone who wants to buy a snowmobile for their kids, but the kids are too big for a 120cc and really a 500cc or anything for that matter goes too fast. I was wondering if anyone knew how to govern a sled or had a creative way of making it so that it cant go as fast. Thank you.
  7. S

    What are two dynasties with policies and governing styles that are

    extremely different from each other? Are there any two chinese dynasties in the classical period that have very contrasting styles of ruling?
  8. T

    Ophthalmologist Nominated For Patient Centered Outcomes Institute Governing Board

    The American Academy of Ophthalmology has nominated Daniel F. Martin, MD, for consideration as a member of the governing board of the newly created Patient Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI). The institute was created in the expansive health care reform law passed earlier this year. It...
  9. T

    Statement From American Heart Association CEO Nancy Brown On HHS Rule Governing Adult

    The American Heart Association applauds the Administration for issuing regulations today that will allow young adult children to remain on their parents' health insurance until age 26. In addition to helping more young people obtain the care they need to remain healthy, this new law affords...
  10. G

    FTC publishes final guides governing endorsements, testimonials by bloggers and celeb

    The Federal Trade Commission today announced that it has approved final revisions to the guidance it gives to advertisers on how to keep their endorsement and testimonial ads in line with the FTC Act.
  11. A

    Statute governing relationships between corporations (Australia)?

    What act deals with the relationship/trade between two corporations (NSW)? Thanks in advance.
  12. A

    Statute governing relationships between corporations (Australia)?

    What act deals with the relationship/trade between two corporations (NSW)? Thanks in advance.
  13. G

    why is important for the dental assistant to know about the laws governing dentistry?

    why is important for the dental assistant to know about the laws governing dentistry?