
  1. J

    Is there some kind of special graves mades for Hollywood's Celebrity?

    I mean when they get old and die. I'm just curious
  2. I

    R&S ATHEISTS: If the dead got up out of the graves and walked around Jerusalem at...

    R&S ATHEISTS: If the dead got up out of the graves and walked around Jerusalem at... ...the time of 'christ's' death? why is it mentioned only in one Gospel, and why is it not mentioned at all by contemporaneous writers? You'd think such a thing might have gotten someone's attention enough to...
  3. T

    Link Between Agent Orange Exposure And Graves' Disease In Vietnam Veterans

    Vietnam War-era veterans exposed to Agent Orange appear to have significantly more Graves' disease, a thyroid disorder, than veterans with no exposure, a new study by endocrinologists at the University at Buffalo has shown. Ajay Varanasi, MD, an endocrinology fellow in the UB Department of...
  4. T

    New Immune Link To Inflammation & Scarring In Graves' Disease

    A cell type that causes significant scarring in lung disease appears to have a similar effect in Graves' disease, University of Michigan Health System researchers have found. The cells, called fibrocytes, are present at a higher than normal frequency in patients with Graves' disease, according...
  5. F

    Do you think abraham lincoln & goldwater are rolling in there graves?

    right now seeing what has become of the republican party
  6. S

    If the holocaust happen in all the "mass" graves why did the jewish families...

    If the holocaust happen in all the "mass" graves why did the jewish families... ...only claim the gold/cash? If the holocaust happen in all the "mass" graves why did the jewish families only claim the gold/cash and not a proper burial for their relatives?
  7. R

    Is FEMA & DHS preparing for mass graves and martial law? What are your thoughts?

    http://www. infowars. com/is-fema-dhs-preparing-for-mass-graves-and-martial-law-near-chicago/ Check out this website and watch the video During the legally mandated meetings held with FEMA and DHS different disaster scenarios were reveled to county officials: • In late December 2008...