
  1. C

    Historically, the worse the recession, the stronger the recovery. What happened this

    time? We should have roared back. Slowest recovery on record.
  2. C

    historically, christianity is more violent than any other religion?

    christianity has, in its past, committed acts that are many times more heinous and on a larger scale than islam is currently committing. this is fact. those that deny this fact are simply ignorant of the dark past of christianity. ever heard of trial by ordeal? yea.... "We will also stop the...
  3. I

    Historically, who tends to have more influence on the practice and theology of a

    religion:? philosophers or kings? Jim: concerning Christianity...sure Henry...what about Constantine, Charlemagne, Theodoric,King James,etc. Theologians that had any real effect on christianity? I can think of Martin luther, Zwingili, Boethius...thats about it. Aquaintus and Augistine had...
  4. O

    how do Islamic and Jewish prophecies line up, historically and future? is...

    ...there common ground? I have an avid interest in biblical prophecy and their relevence and accuracy. I have several Muslim friends who share common interests but I have difficulty in establishing the above details probably because I dont/cant find my way around my Qu'ran in terms of time.
  5. Y

    Yes or No ..... Do you believe "Historically"..... that Jesus Christ who was...

    Yes or No ..... Do you believe "Historically"..... that Jesus Christ who was... ...born approximately 2015 years ago? Surely you would not ... *dis-believe*... that there was a Roman [society/government/culture]? Surely you would not ... *dis-believe*... that there was a Roman Emperor named...
  6. J

    Historically speaking, Did Jesus Christ really exist?

    Is there any proof beyond faith? (I do not believe in Testimonium Flavianum, do you?)
  7. I

    Historically the Catholic church has claimed moral superiority does that mean they...

    ...have an obligation to share? What I am driving at is this: With that claimed moral superiority do they have a moral obligation to open the Vatican archives and share with any who would want to view them, the books, works of art and other information that they keep locked away?
  8. S

    Historically speaking, is Christianity the most violent religion in the world? BQ+?

    In my history class(Western Civilization) we studied the roman times and how Christianity became to be and how it advanced in culture, but compared to any other religion Christian followers commit the most heinous crime against any other culture and saying any other belief beside Christian...
  9. C

    what are some religions historically or contemporary who couldn't tolerate each...

    ...other? in the u.s or internationally this is actually homework for my world religions class but sorry i didn't put it in the home work category
  10. G

    Why do fans complain about Cena's move-set when historically fans have

    supported wrestlers with limited skills? Why do WWE fans complain about John Cena's limited wrestling in-ring ability when traditionally they have supported wrestlers with limited wrestling ability in the past? Such wrestlers as Hulk Hogan, The Ultimate Warrior, Ahmed Johnson, The Rock all had...
  11. N

    Historically, when has religion admitted science was right? And when has...

    ...science yielded to religious faith? Evolution fights abound these days. But this is not the first time that science and religious dogma have clashed. In the past, what has been the final resolution of similar arguments between those who follow the scientific method and those who follow a...