What song is playing on the background when Blair says "i love you" to Chuck in
Gossip Girl season 2? episode 13 :D thanks.--- i alreadu asked this but i got no good answers. i meant this part http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C7ho7WoTb3k
Okay, so. I go on MyLifeIsAverage occasionally. I hadn't gone on in a while so I went on today. There's a bunch of MLIA's involving people saying "I love you" to random people and the random people saying back "MLIA" or something similar. Can someone please explain to me how this started and why...
Okay, so. I go on MyLifeIsAverage occasionally. I hadn't gone on in a while so I went on today. There's a bunch of MLIA's involving people saying "I love you" to random people and the random people saying back "MLIA" or something similar. Can someone please explain to me how this started and why...
Okay, so. I go on MyLifeIsAverage occasionally. I hadn't gone on in a while so I went on today. There's a bunch of MLIA's involving people saying "I love you" to random people and the random people saying back "MLIA" or something similar. Can someone please explain to me how this started and why...