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    Health Improvements Offered By A One-Week Stay At A Health Spa

    Take off those Thanksgiving pounds with a week at a spa retreat. A new study shows that not only are they relaxing and nourishing, but they are safe and a week-long spa stay can correspond with changes in our physical and emotional well-being. New research from Thomas Jefferson University...
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    Quitting smoking improvements?

    When you quit smoking, what are some major improvements to your health that you will notice in the first year? Also if you have some technics youvwould like to share about how you managed to quit that would be awesome as well. I've tried switching habits but that didn't work
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    Rapid Improvements In Patient Care Achieved By Integrated Diabetes Management Program

    In Canada alone, almost 2 million people are known to be living with diabetes. Around a million more have the disease but are not aware of that fact, and have not been given the tools they need to control their blood sugar and safeguard their health. The Heart Institute will be presenting the...
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    New Opportunities For Improvements Arise As Industry Funding For Medical Education Fa

    Public scrutiny and the threat of government regulation are leading to a decline in industry-sponsored funding of accredited continuing medical education (CME) for physicians, and this decline represents an opportunity to make CME more relevant, cost-effective and less open to bias, wrote a...
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    Alzheimer's Improvements Seen In Mice Infected With Toxoplasma gondii Parasite

    The parasite Toxoplasma gondii has some favorable effects on the pathogenesis and progression of a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease, reports a study in the open access journal PLoS ONE. Toxoplasma gondii, a parasite commonly hosted in cats and generally known for the potential complications it...
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    Dialogue needed and more improvements!?

    My two protagonist's first meet in the girls house. It's late at night and she goes into her study she walks around a little studying the books on the shelves when she notices one is missing. she wanders back to the door when she hears a boy talking. she turns around to see him sitting near...
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    Access To Medical Imaging Coalition And Patient Community Call For Improvements To Th

    The Access to Medical Imaging Coalition (AMIC), together with 19 patient advocacy organizations, today urged the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) to strengthen the composition of the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) and its process for issuing recommendations. "We...
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    Vodafone Australia and Huawei announce improvements to national mobile network

    Vodafone today announced that it had selected Huawei to replace all 2G and 3G equipment at all base stations throughout Australia as part of its overall plan to improve mobile coverage and download speeds.
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    Regulator (CQC) Recognises Significant Improvements At The Heart Of England NHS Found

    The Care Quality Commission (CQC) announced that it has lifted two of the three conditions it placed on The Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust (HEFT) earlier this year. In April 2010, the regulator registered the trust with three conditions as part of its new registration system for adult...
  10. C

    any improvements on this machina/gadget deck?

    monsters (16) 3 machina fortress 3 machina gearframe 2 machina force 1 machina peacekeeper 2 red gadget 2 yellow 2 green 1 cyber dragon spells (14) 1 limiter removal 1 monster reborn 1 cold wave 1 giant trunade 1 dark hole 1 pot of avarice (duality if i get one) 2 gold sarcophagus 2 book of...
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    IOM To Hold Briefing On Oct. 5: Ways Nursing Can Advance Health Care Improvements

    Since its inception in July 2009, the Committee on the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Initiative on the Future of Nursing, at the Institute of Medicine has worked to develop a blueprint for using nurse-led models of innovation to improve the health care system. The committee, led by former...
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    Families USA Lauds New Improvements In Health Reform Legislation

    The congressional leadership today released the contents of the final health reform legislation that blends the best elements from the already passed House and Senate bills. The final package will be considered by the U.S. House in the next few days, and shortly thereafter by the U.S. Senate...
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    Since 1969, have there been any improvements in fish powder?

    TORRY ADVISORY NOTE No. 39 Describes what fish protein concentrate (FPC) is and outlines how it is made. Gives some information on storage life, nutritive value and cost, and the potential role in reducing protein deficiency where people suffer from malnutrition. This Note was published in 1969...
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    Since 1969, have there been any improvements in fish powder?

    TORRY ADVISORY NOTE No. 39 Describes what fish protein concentrate (FPC) is and outlines how it is made. Gives some information on storage life, nutritive value and cost, and the potential role in reducing protein deficiency where people suffer from malnutrition. This Note was published in 1969...
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    Despite Improvements, Aid Delivery Bottlenecks Persist In Haiti

    Three weeks after a major earthquake struck Haiti, challenges in getting aid to those in need persist, the Washington Post reports. "Rajiv Shah, the administrator of the U.S. Agency for International Development, said the relief effort has escalated in recent days and will continue to do so...
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    Phase 2 Trial Of LX4211 Demonstrates Significant And Rapid Improvements In Multiple P

    Lexicon Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (Nasdaq: LXRX), a biopharmaceutical company focused on discovering breakthrough treatments for human disease, obtained positive results from a recently completed Phase 2 study of LX4211 in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. LX4211 is a once-per-day...
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    Phase 2 Trial Of LX4211 Demonstrates Significant And Rapid Improvements In Multiple P

    Lexicon Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (Nasdaq: LXRX), a biopharmaceutical company focused on discovering breakthrough treatments for human disease, obtained positive results from a recently completed Phase 2 study of LX4211 in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. LX4211 is a once-per-day...
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    IPS Examines Next Year's UNGASS On MDGs, Improvements In Maternal Health

    Inter Press Service reports that the September 2010 U.N. Generally Assembly meeting will feature a three-day special session (UNGASS) on the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). "The summit will specifically look at ways to remove existing obstacles to progress in the next five years when all or...
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    2degrees closes sections of website for security improvements

    New Zealand's newest mobile operator 2degrees has discovered a bug in the "Your 2degrees" and "Online Store" sections of its website and has taken them down temporarily.
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    Is this healthy to eat in a day and are there any improvements I could make?

    For breakfast a milkshake made with strawberries, banana, semi skimmed milk, strawberry yogurt and a teaspoon of honey. As a snack, a handful of mixed nuts and an orange and a glass of water. For lunch, vegetable soup with seeded bread and a glass of water. As a snack, mango and pineapple. For...