
  1. S

    Informational Speech Project, Interesting topic but lack of articles.?

    Hi! I'm doing a speech project that's informational about the phenomenon and calculated science of teen pop stars and how they develop and sell the image (i.e justin bieber, one direction) and draw people into becoming obsessed. I need articles and sited information. If you could help me out...
  2. T

    What is a very interesting topic for an informational report?

    It can be on anything EXCEPT gun control, drugs, gay marriage, ect... I want it to be something really interesting that not many people know about..I was thinking paranormal activity, the nostradamous effect, random things like that. I need help thinking of a really interesting topic! lol. help?
  3. J

    Can someone please give me good, interesting topics for an informational...

    ...research paper? I've been looking for stuff all week and I can't find anything. The topic has to be submitted tomorrow. It is an English / composition class and it can be on anything.
  4. Y

    HELP!!! Where in Orlando is the exploration summer program informational...

    ...meeting being held? I got a brocure about the program but it does not say where in orlando it just says to call the place. The meeting is today sunday but the place is closed and they open on monday. does anybody know where its beign held at? what hotel? helpppp :[