
  1. U

    Fundamentalists: Why do you keep insisting that Christianity isn't a religion?

    James 1:27 says: "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." With this in mind, can you explain why you insist that Christianity isn't a religion, as I see...
  2. R

    Why do SOME Christians keep insisting Hitler was an atheist?

    Katie: No one said because Hitler was a murderer that ALL Christians are mass murderers. Stop making stuff up to feed your persecution complex. Christians ALWAYS say he was an atheist to make it seem like atheists don't have morals. THEY start it up. And it matters because it's a historical...
  3. K

    Why is my cat insisting Valentine's Day is a corporate conspiracy designed to...

    ...deceive the masses? He also keeps calling things part of the bourgeoisie
  4. B

    Is Wolfie brain damaged? He keeps insisting that Jews aren't responsible for

    the atrocities in Gaza? What's he talking about? Isn't Israel the Jewish State, then? The BIG question is, why does he (and almost everyone else) keep insisting that Jews aren't the guilty parties, when it's run by Jews, on behalf of Jews, and the rest of the population must tolerate it or...