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    Jodi Arias Hung Jury – What Does It Mean?

    [No message]
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    Steven Alexander Testimony Video in Jodi Arias Death Penalty Trial

    [No message]
  3. G

    Jodi Arias Murder Conviction: Lifetime Movie Cast Was Glued to Verdict, Actor Playing

    Nancy Grace wasn't the only one hanging on every word when Jodi Arias was found guilty of first-degree murder this week. "Everyone watched it, we had a TV on the set and we...
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    It’s Official! Jodi Arias Found Guilty of Murder – Death Penalty?

    [No message]
  5. T

    Why are Conservatives upset that the Ohio abductions and Jodi Arias have

    overshadowed Benghazi? We all know Cons, Fox News, and Republicans want "Benghazi" in the headlines, but some have expressed discontent over the Ohio abductions and Jodi Arias. Some Cons here have alleged that Obama & George Soros staged the Ohio abductions and the Jodi Arias trial in order to...
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    Jodi Arias Sex Tape

    [No message]
  7. L

    Do you think jodi arias thinks it was worth it?

    Do you think she will be satisfied and gleeful if she gets second degree murder?
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    6 Sexy Jodi Arias Pictures – Jodi Arias Sex Life Details

    [No message]
  9. Z

    What is your favourite Jodi Picoult book and what's it about?

    I like Vanishing Acts, as all the other ones have the occasional slightly boring character but Vanishing Acts doesn't.
  10. R

    Does anyone read Jodi Picoult!?

    I have read The Pact and Nineteen minutes. I know most people will say My Sisters Keeper, but i have seen the movie so don't really want to read this book - yet. I am thinking of reading either Plain Truth, Handle With Care or Keeping Faith. What are your thoughts on these books or any others...
  11. R

    What Jodi Picoult book should i read next?

    I've read 'The Pact' and 'Nineteen Minutes' What book should i read next? I have seen the movie 'My sisters Keeper' so i don't know if i should read the book.
  12. C

    Question for Jodi Picoult fans?

    Hello, avid Jodi Picoult readers. I was wondering if you could help me with something..technically its homework, but. What are the issues Jodi's books address? eg. Senses of self identity, Family secrets, freedom from domestic responsibility. I'd be unbelievably grateful for any answers. Cheers!
  13. C

    Question for Jodi Picoult fans?

    Hello, avid Jodi Picoult readers. I was wondering if you could help me with something..technically its homework, but. What are the issues Jodi's books address? eg. Senses of self identity, Family secrets, freedom from domestic responsibility. I'd be unbelievably grateful for any answers. Cheers!
  14. Y

    Is The Aunt Jodi Story a Rumor?

    I heard the whole story about Aunt Jodi Being kicked off of Jon and Kate plus 8, but I am almost positive that its just a rumor... I want your opinion, what do you think? Thanks!
  15. M

    [ NZBMATRIX COM ] Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi PDVD 2008

    Name: [ NZBMATRIX COM ] Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi PDVD 2008 Category: Movies: DVD Size: 938.32MB Added: 2009-01-15 19:36:19
  16. L

    What Jodi Piccoult book was your favorite?

    ive read... The Pact My Sisters Keeper (fave) Nineteen Minutes what was your favorite jodi piccoult book??? Suggestions on which one i should read next?