
  1. G

    Brad Pitt and Pax Jolie-Pitt Jet to South Korea, Continue Father-Son Bonding Trip

    Pax Jolie-Pitt's passport is getting quite the workout! Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie's 9-year-old son remained by his pop's side as they continued their father-son...
  2. T

    Suri Cruise Vs Shiloh Jolie-Pitt?

    Can you solve this wee riddle sfs? who can decode this message? D-0-F-R-Y-S-X-B O-L Q Z-G-L-L-T-K they are ALL letters lol il gee yez a clue the letter H translates to I il gee yez a clue the letter O translates to I first clue is wrong soz doh!
  3. S

    Would You Like Suri Cruise Or Shiloh Jolie-Pitt In Your Family?

    Or Both Of Them?
  4. A

    shiloh jolie-pitt... a tom boy or?

    okay... i know i can't believe everything i read. however... judging by the pics... shiloh def. looks like a little boy and apparently will only answer to the name "john". what do u guys think? do u think when she is older that she'll be a tomboy? a lesbian? or transgendered? i'm not being...