
  1. J

    I'm looking for a midi file for Cinderella Cage Kagome Kagome and Hourai Victum :<?

    I'm looking for a midi file for Cinderella Cage Kagome Kagome and Hourai Victum :<? I honestly don't know how long I've been looking x~x. The game Imperishable night has an awesome stream of songs which I wish I can get the whole file. But I've tried to download the game and get it from there...
  2. J

    Why does Kagome even go back in time to help Inuyasha?

    If she's going back to the past and the present is fine, why try to change the past? Why not keep time as it is and live a normal life?
  3. E

    what episode when inuyasha goes to kagome's time and...?

    what episode when inuyasha goes to kagome's time and his mom tells him to bring her lunch to her and ets in a lot of trouble and ends up being ON tv?
  4. M

    Does Inuyasha end up with Kagome or kikyo?? IN THE ANIME?

    hi I just want to know who does Inuyasha loves more kikyo or kagome PLEASE PLEASE TELL ME OMG I'M SO CURIOUS in the end of all the seasons of the anime in the final act with whom and in the main anime with whom??? COME ON PLEASE .. !!!!! Bye
  5. I

    Does anyone know what episode it is where Kagome meets the nicest demon ever...

    ...in a village? Everyone hates him for being a demon and shun him. He just wants to know what happiness feels like, and he's the sweetest thing ever. I remember, when him and Kagome are in the field, she screams from a caterpillar and he thinks 'she's afraid of a caterpillar, but not me?' Does...
  6. Jordan

    sesshomaru kagome fnafiction..help?

    can anyone tell me the title or location of a sesshomaru kagome fanfic where kagome and inuyasha were mated then he died of a curse or something, then kagome turned into a goddess and sesshomaru brought her back to his castle and then his elders made them mate...i dont rember the rest.. plz help
  7. K

    Doesn't Kagome have to have a jewel shard to travel through the well? (InuYasha)?

    So why is it in episode 4, Kagome and InuYasha can travel through it without a jewel shard?
  8. A

    Does Kagome ever see Sesshomaru in the future? (Inuyasha)?

    Call me crazy, but I seem to have a vivid memory of an episode of the anime and/or a scene from one of the movies in which Kagome is in her own world and she's in a crowd. For some reason she's not able to get back to the Feudal Era, and she's thinking that perhaps everyone will live happily (or...
  9. A

    Does Kagome ever see Sesshomaru in the future? (Inuyasha)?

    Call me crazy, but I seem to have a vivid memory of an episode of the anime and/or a scene from one of the movies in which Kagome is in her own world and she's in a crowd. For some reason she's not able to get back to the Feudal Era, and she's thinking that perhaps everyone will live happily (or...