
  1. M

    Is there a difference between the Kempo and Kenpo Kanji?

    Looking at the two kangi from what i can find on Google they look the same with only slight differences which im guessing is just the hand writing styles. I'm looking for thes Kanji saying Kempo Karate can anyone please help me?
  2. E

    Kenpo karate instructor not fair?

    This guy already has 4 stripes on his purple belt,We tested on the same time , He doesn't know his purple belt kata or set and he cant fight /sparr worth a **** and i know the purple belt kata and i know all my sets up to brown belt ( 3 belts ahead ) and i can fight / sparr like a green belt...
  3. F

    p90x kenpo dvd not good?

    have the p90x kenpo dvd. I wonder if my dvd is bad. After few mins of stretching it jumps to 46 mins looks like the start of the workout. I mean skips to. Is this normal or us my dvd bad? I'm asking to anyone that owns this tape does it skip to the workout at 46 mins or is my dvd bad?
  4. O

    is it kenpo or kempo?

    what is the difference between kenpo or kempo?
  5. T

    Kempo 5.0 (Jeff Speakman's modified Kenpo)?

    is the only available kenpo karate where I live. Do you have any negative reviews about Kenpo 5.0 and how it differs from American Kenpo Karate, other than it has incorporated a grappling technique? Thanks
  6. D

    How much kata is in Kenpo (or Kempo) compared with Shotokan?

    or Kyukushin? Do kempo artists do katas even in higher belts? How much time will be needed for it to effective in street self defense when trained regularly (2x a week) Thanks
  7. D

    Kempo 5.0 (Jeff Speakman's modified Kenpo)?

    is the only available kenpo karate where I live. Do you have any negative reviews about Kenpo 5.0 and how it differs from American Kenpo Karate, other than it has incorporated a grappling technique? Thanks
  8. I

    Is Shorin-ryu Karate or kenpo / kempo better for self defense?

    let me rephrase. I have studied tae kwon do, hapkido, judo, jujitsu, and now want something else. My friends from work did competition and they know kempo. That art is pretty effective but im just debating.
  9. I

    Is Shorin-ryu Karate or kenpo / kempo better for self defense?

    let me rephrase. I have studied tae kwon do, hapkido, judo, jujitsu, and now want something else. My friends from work did competition and they know kempo. That art is pretty effective but im just debating.
  10. T

    what is kenpo karate?

    im just wondering i heard its a very violent self defense karate, what exactly does kenpo teach and is it similar to any other martial arts??
  11. L

    Martial Arts - Kenpo Karate vs. Hapkido!?

    This is a part two to my first question! First of all, I chose Delta's answer as the best! I never heard of Kenpo, but went to, searched list of martial arts, and read the description, and overall, Kenpo is just what I was looking for! The only problem I have now is Hapkido seems very...
  12. J

    American Kenpo- the besttttt!!!!!!!!!I need tips?

    Hello everyone! I am Portuguese and I am an American kenpo student. I just looooooove it! Looooove every moove, aspect, every stance.... I am an orange belt, and of course, I want to improve my skills every day. I would really like to know every kick, punch and stance names, but it seems a bit...