
  1. G

    LeRoy Bell's Music

    As you know, my nephew, LeRoy Bell, was a contestant on the XFactor singing contest. You may also know that he was voted off the show last week. I'm not going to say much about that other than to note that LeRoy was NOT the 8th or 9th best singer in the group. He was clearly in the top three...
  2. G

    Vote for LeRoy Bell

    Don't forget, XFactor is on NAO!!!! Vote for LeRoy! Read the comments on this post...
  3. G

    The LeRoy Bell Story

    In case you want to know more about my nephew, LeRoy Bell, who is a contestant in the Top Ten on the XFactor USA show, and who will be performing TONIGHT (and you can VOTE!!!), check out this really nice write up on The Root: 'X Factor' Crooner Is 'Livin' It Up' - LeRoy Bell, 60, who once hit it...
  4. G

    Why it is OK that LeRoy Bell Sucks at Faking It

    Some people have been complaining about LeRoy and I want to make clear why they are wrong to do so. This is not a subtle or nuanced situation at all. People with the complaint to which I refer are embarrassing themselves. So this missive is just as much in support of LeRoy as it is to help...
  5. G

    Team LeRoy Bell Idaho

    It's hard to round up a bunch of cowboys! (I assume everybody in Idaho is a cowboy, right??!!??) Anyway, great job, guys! Read the comments on this post...
  6. J

    Did Leroy Bell from X-Factor just lip sync?

    I'm watching the opening sequence to X-Factor where all the contestants are singing and it definitely just looked like Leroy Bell just lip synced...
  7. G

    Vote for LeRoy Bell

    My nephew LeRoy Bell is Contestant Number THREE. Vote for number 3. You can vote here when the show is over. You can also vote in Twitter and via phone. See instructions here. Read the comments on this post...
  8. G

    Here's LeRoy:

    Below the fold: Read the rest of this post... | Read the comments on this post...
  9. G

    LeRoy Made It Through

    Thanks all for your support. LeRoy made it trough the first America Decides cut on the XFactor. Read the comments on this post...
  10. G

    Tonight. XFactor. LeRoy. Don't Forget.

    Update: LeRoy Went Through To The Next Round!!!!!11!! Read the comments on this post...
  11. G

    LeRoy's Journey, so far

    Below the fold (it starts automatically) Read the rest of this post... | Read the comments on this post...
  12. S

    Does anyone have the lyrics of Leroy Bell's "A change is coming" song?

    I can't seem to find it anywhere in the web and it would be the perfect song for my video presentation. Help!
  13. C

    I have pobia of Stitch, Angel, Reuben, Leroy, And other experiments (from Lilo

    and Stitch).? Because of those causes: there going to take over the world, there going to kidnapped me, there going to scared me at night while i was outside or in bed,There are gonna make me turn into an experiment. Those are joke quotes. I think their are funny. (up there). you can want to...
  14. G

    "A Change Is Coming" LeRoy Bell

    A Change Is Coming, by Leroy Bell, who happens to be my nephew. Pretty good, huh!? Read the comments on this post... More...
  15. M

    Think about what happens at Shiloh when Norma Jean and Leroy go to visit at...

    ...the end of the story? Do you believe that the setting enhances the ending of the story in any way?