Hi I have a VW golf mk3 GSX (1.8i) , and its sucking fuel like dont know what. This model doesnt have a mass air flow sensor ( well I cant locate it anywhere on the pipes going to the air filter) , also I noticed it overfuels (exhaust burning black with a +- 2mm black residue in it). It started...
ok so here's what happened.my friend has changed my timing chain and gears on my 1990 dodge dakota 2wd with the 3.9 liter v6.this model has 4 separate belts not a Serpentine.so when he is re assembling it he fails to put back on the tube thing that acts like a timing mark.so now we are having...
How strong is the opel Kadett 1998 1.6 litre engine compared to most modern 1,6 litre on average? Is it the same /as or (a lot) worse than most of the new 1.6 litre engines if you'd have to gues and compare them in rough, disregarding any possible reduction in power with age etc.
my truck is runnin like crap. it idles great but once in a while when i start drivin down the road it starts cuttin out real bad, now when this happens i shut the truck off and start it again and it runs great till the next time. new plugs, wires, cap and rotor. drained the fuel tank and filled...
Hi, i have a 20 litre aquarium and I'm not sure what type of fish i should put in it. I would prefer to have freshwater fish because they are easier to look after. What are some pretty, easy to care for, small fish that i should get??
Any help would be great!
I'm trying to figure out how many litres is used in 13 miles of travelling.
Cheers, 10 points to best and fastest answer!
Forgot to add, because apparently this matter:
it is a toyota yaris.
5 door, 2006
haha, writer... you're a numpty - i wrote:
"Cheers, 10 points...
I'm putting a 4.3 in my full size truck in place of the old 350 engine. I was wondering if & what parts I can take off of the 350 to put on my 4.3 for an increase in performance without tearing them both completely apart? i.e. intake manifold, exhaust manifold & what not...
i have a 1985 gmc high sierra 6.2 litre diesel, half ton, long bed, pickup truck. I believe its a 357. i was wondering how could i increase it's acceleration. i was thinkin of just try to add more air to it but idk when it comes to diesel can anyone help?
I've recently moved house and had to break down my tank and give my fish back to the shop. Previously I had 2 blue rams (dwarf cichlids), 8 neon tetras and 6 schwartz cories in a South American setup.
The area I have moved to has tap water pH of about 8.5. I am going to get substrate...
I have had this truck for a bit now and am looking for more performance as well as firming up the shift points. I am not shure if the Super chip flash-pack Tuner or the Hyper tech Max energy programmer would be a better choice. Both do what i want supposedly and they cost the same. But does...