
  1. G

    Long-distance couples disclose more and idealize partners’ behaviors

    The long-distance relationship has plagued college students and people relocated for work for ages. These relationships are seen as destined to fail, but are they actually creating stronger bonds than a geographically closer relationship? A recent paper published in the Journal of...
  2. W

    I could handle a long-distance relationship, but I cant handle a local one?

    My boyfriend recently broke up with me because he couldn't handle the long-distance. Apparently it was too mentally and emotionally draining not having me around all the time so he just cancelled me out of his life all together. This is what I never understood, if he loved me so much, why...
  3. A

    Sending Your Love: 5 Long-Distance Mother’s Day Gift Ideas

    Consider this a friendly reminder that Mother's Day*2013 is nigh. This year, the*holiday*falls Sunday, May 12, so for those living long-distance from mom, that means less than two weeks to find and ship gifts! More » Sending Your Love: 5 Long-Distance Mother’s Day Gift Ideas is a post from...
  4. R

    Rogers my5 and longdistance?

    So I currently live in Waterloo and my friend is in Mississauga. I have a canada-wide my5 plan but my friend does not. So if I call him from here in waterloo and he answers in his local area will he be charged long distance? Also, he has the free after 6 and weekends feature so if I call him...
  5. A

    How do you deal with a long-distance relationship?

    My boyfriend and I go to different colleges. He is about 2.5 - 3 hours away from me so he visits me most weekends, but he couldn't come this weekend so by the time I see him next it'll have been 2 weeks. I know that may not be much to some people but it is driving me crazy. I absolutely hate...
  6. D

    Whats more important keeping a long-distance relationship fresh or saving...

    ...for the future? I am kinda in a dilemma I have a girlfriend who lives about a 1000 miles from me. We have been dating for about 4 months and I love her and think she has potential to be a future wife. Here's where The problem lies its about $600-$1,000 every time I see her. I have plans in...
  7. T

    How can I insure that my Long-Distance relationship works?

    My boyfriend was just my friend when he moved with his family 2.5 hours away. I went with one of his/my friends to go visit and we got even closer. A few days after we came back home he asked me out via text and I said yes. I can only go see him every other weekend or so due to my school and...
  8. T

    Is there an Unlimited Long-distance add-on for Telus?

    I need an unlimited long-distance add-on for Telus. I have an unlimited texting add-on, so I currently just pay 15 dollars a month, for that, and I'm a pre-paid phone. (Keybo) And I wanted to call my friend in Manitoba, (im in canada, just not in manitoba, im in another area of canada) and I...
  9. T

    Do long-distance relationships really work?

    I met a guy online two years ago, and after talking for a while, he asked me for my email address, and then we started chatting. We got even closer after some time. He was my best friend, and I told him just about everything. Last month, I went back for a holiday, and I started texting him. One...
  10. T

    Do long-distance relationships really work?

    I met a guy online two years ago, and after talking for a while, he asked me for my email address, and then we started chatting. We got even closer after some time. He was my best friend, and I told him just about everything. Last month, I went back for a holiday, and I started texting him. One...
  11. L

    What is the best SUV for long-distance daily commuting?

    I have a work commute mon-fri of about 2.5 hours one-way... it's an hour of rural road, an hour of interstate, and about 30 minutes of city ... its a little over 100 miles one- way. cost doesn't really matter, but dont get crazy! meaning ... a lambo is NOT a good choice LOL! Give me at least...
  12. F

    how to keep a truthful longdistance relationship?

    i neeeeed to know how to keep a long distance truthful and to understand it. he is the nicest guy in the world! so i don't think he would lie to me
  13. F

    how to keep a truthful longdistance relationship?

    i neeeeed to know how to keep a long distance truthful and to understand it. he is the nicest guy in the world! so i don't think he would lie to me
  14. F

    how to keep a truthful longdistance relationship?

  15. JordanC

    Sprinting or long-distance running for high school next year?

    I really don't know what to choose. I am in 8th grade now and cross country for high school starts in the summer. I need to choose if I want to be a sprinter or a long-distance cross country runner soon because I want to start training. From your experience, did you like cross country or track...