
  1. G

    The Mabus Maneno

    See Case Study: How a notorious spammer was brought down via Twitter for a rundown on the recent events related to Dennis Markuze a.k.a. Dave Mabus. I still don't agree that it was Twitter that brought Mabus down. Yes, it was the medium, and a very powerful one at that, but it was carrying...
  2. G

    The Mabus Apocalypse

    Read the comments on this post...
  3. G

    Dennis Markuze/David Mabus must have uttered a straw ...

    Dennis Markuze aka David Mabus on a Television News Story ... the story is inaccurate in a number of minor ways that obscures an interesting truth, but it is a moment in time worth savoring: Read the rest of this post... | Read the comments on this post...
  4. G

    Dave Mabus is Dennis Markuze

    I am intellectually, but not viscerally, worried about Dennis Markuze. He does not scare me in the way that scary things do, I have no limbic reaction to him, and never did. Except once, and I'll tell you about that below. Dennis Markuze is a wanna-be terrorist* who targets scientists...
  5. G

    Did Dave Mabus threaten to kill atheists visiting Montreal for the AAI-HC 2010 Conven

    Information about last week's convention is here. This is alleged to be a picture of Mabus making what looks like an "I'm shooting you with a pistol" gesture: And this is the note he posted on my blog in which he mentiones the whole bullet in the head thing: THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION...
  6. J

    Is Ray Mabus the guy that Nostrodamus was talking about?

    Mr. Mabus is an advisor to 0bama's campaign and a member of the council on foreign relations. Could he hook up 0bama with the 3rd antichrist?
  7. J

    Do you think Ray Mabus has something to do with Nostrodamus' prediction?

    Theres this dude named Ray Mabus whos associated with Obama, and I'm just wondering if the "3rd anti-christ" proficy is coming to fruition.
  8. B

    Will Mabus become president?, the guy Nostrodamus talked about?

    Has anything happened yet that Nostradamus predicted? LOL
  9. M

    Will Mabus become president?, the guy Nostrodamus talked about?

    Mr Mabus is an advisor with the 0bama campaign, he was governor of Missisippi so he may be picked by Biden to be VP if President Obama gets assasinated. If Biden dies Mabus will rule the USA! Nostrodamus said something about Mabus starting world war 3
  10. J

    Do you think Ray Mabus has something to do with Nostrodamus' prediction?

    Theres this dude named Ray Mabus whos associated with Obama, and I'm just wondering if the "3rd anti-christ" proficy is coming to fruition.
  11. J

    Is it possible that nostradamus prediction of mabus was sudam hussien?

    very possible
  12. J

    Is Ray Mabus the guy that Nostrodamus was talking about?

    Mr. Mabus is an advisor to 0bama's campaign and a member of the council on foreign relations. Could he hook up 0bama with the 3rd antichrist?
  13. O

    Middle East crisis Nostradamus and Mabus?

    Nostradamus mentions Hister (Hitler) as antichrist and Mabus. The name of the Mid East specialist is Ray Mabus. What do you think. We all have an idea that mid east crisis can become colossal. Could Mabus have anything to do with world war 3 or could his policies have anything to do with world...
  14. O

    Mabus by Nostradamus and calamity?

    Nostradamus mentions Hister (Hitler) as antichrist and Mabus. The name of the Mid East specialist is Ray Mabus. What do you think. We all have an idea that mid east crisis can become colossal. Could Mabus have anything to do with world war 3 or could his policies have anything to do with world...
  15. T

    Nostradamus aficionados who is Mabus?

    Century 2, Quatrain 62 Mabus will soon die, then will come, A horrible undoing of people and animals, At once one will see vengeance, One hundred powers, thirst, famine, when the comet will pass. Century 8, Quatrain 77 The antichrist very soon annihilates the three, twenty-seven years his war...