
  1. T

    Adopted Infants' Sleep Affected By Marital Conflict

    When parents fight, infants are likely to lose sleep, researchers report. "We know that marital problems have an impact on child functioning, and we know that sleep is a big problem for parents," said Jenae M. Neiderhiser, professor of psychology, Penn State. New parents often report sleep as...
  2. B

    My mom keeps venting to me about her marital problems, is this appropriate?

    I'm 17 years old and my mom homeschools me and my brother. But for the past three or so years now she has been talking to us for hours about how our dad isn't the man he should be and how he always yells at her, and how he is looking at pornography, and how he loses his temper and curses at us...
  3. K

    is your native country ok with pre marital sex?

    Like that they are not looked down/punished for premarital sex? does your country offer gay/lesbian rights to gay couples things along those lines. please put the name of your country to please, thanks all.
  4. L

    Marital infidelity joke?

    There was this guy who had a mustache and beard, and one day he decided to get it shaved off to surprise his wife. So one afternoon when he got off work, he went to the barber shop, got a hair cut and had the barber shave his face bare. Later that evening he sneaked into his house late at...
  5. S

    We consider physical level ex marital relationship as cheating?

    But emotional and psychological level involvement with a person other than spouse or partner should also be considered as cheating. This does not happen in reality and many who have such relationship convince themselves that they are loyal and not cheating. But in reality spend lot of time with...
  6. K

    Why doesn't Sean Hannnity discuss the matter of marital infidelity with Newt...

    ...Gingrich? Hannity has talked endlessly this week about Tiger Woods alleged infidelity and sought input from most of his radio show guests, Yet, he didn't ask Newt Gingrich who has considerable personal experience ion this matter,
  7. G

    8-Bit Wedding Invitation Acknowledges the Marital Bickering to Come [8-Bit Wedding]

    I love this 8-bit wedding invitation. Not only for the design, but because it not-so-subtly portrays marriage as a prolonged Street Fighter match. Don't get me wrong, I've got nothing against marriage. And if you've got a wife awesome enough to agree to an invitation like this, it'll probably...
  8. J

    If these Legends of Marital Arts/Combat Sports fought in modern-day MMA how...

    ...would they do? If these following legends were allowed to fight in modern-day MMA how well do you think they would do? The MMA rules would be the UFC rules, 3 rounds, 5 minutes, fought in the octagon, gloves, etc... AND they had one year to crosstrain in any martial art/combat sports they...
  9. D

    How can I get free marital massage lessons for married couples?

    We are married for 22 years, but not enjoyed a mutual massage together.
  10. D

    Can anyone help me with web addresses offering marital sexuality advice or tips?

    I would like to receive advice regarding marital sexuality tips to train my wife towards all varied forms of foreplay and other techniques. She feels oral kind of things are forbiden on bed. Can someone help me with right kind of web addresses offering this assistance? We are married for the...
  11. A

    Sun & saturn in 7th house. will it destory marital life?

    Kumbha lagna, with Sun & Saturn in my 7 house in Simha (leo) rashi & in 8 House Mars, Venus & rahu.? How wil be ,my married life. people have told me that there are chances that i wont able to get married and even if i get married I will have a very frustrating married life. I am already 30 year...
  12. S

    marital issue,I cant get past it...hubbys addicted to internet porn?

    It became increasingly worse, after We went to bed,I'd wake up & he'd be on the comp., wackin it in chatrooms,even using meds for stimulation.He knew I saw him sometimes, If i walked in he's turn off the comp. QUICKLY! I had to finally confront him. No smart ass answers please about me not...
  13. F

    Any quality marital arts studios in hollywood and los feliz areas?

    I was wondering if there are any marital arts studios in 90027 area code. They can't be expensive because I'm a college student but I'm open to anything. I've done 14 years of training but the last two years have been random. I've done karate, taekwondo, muay thai, some kung fu, hapkiedo, and...