
  1. M

    Dows morgue have meet and greets and if so where?

    The guy feom freakshow my idol?
  2. M

    Dows morgue have meet and greets and if so where?

    The guy feom freakshow my idol?
  3. G

    Lindsay Lohan a Model Morgue Worker So Far!

    Lindsay Lohan appears to be doing her best to make next week entirely uneventful. Earlier today, the actress dropped off signed proof at the Santa Monica courthouse's probation...
  4. R

    What is this music video about a morgue?

    It plays frequently on Gospel Music Channel. I don't remember the band, but the song had something to do with being not just carbon and tissue. The lead singer played the mortician and also the dead guy, and the dead guy ended up coming to life and shoving the mortician in a dead person locker.
  5. D

    what is the vehicle that transports dead body's to the morgue called?

    what is the vehicle that transports dead body's to the morgue called? i dont mean a hearse. i mean the van or bus like vehicle that transports a dead body from the crime scene to the morgue.
  6. C

    Movie having to do with a morgue and going back in time?

    i saw a movie a couple of year ago and it was about a guy who was put in a morgue but was still alive or something like that. and he was remembering all this stuff and all i remember is someone getting out of a car, slipping, and breaking their neck or something. anyone know the movie?