
  1. K

    how to transfer file like games, musics or videos from pc to ipad 2?

    im using windows 7 pc.. how to transfer the files?? it is possible??
  2. E

    Can I Just Burn Mp3 Musics in a Record and will it play in the car Stereo? Best Help

    10 Points? Can I just Burn Mp3 Music on My Record able CD and Play it on The Car Stereo and other Stereos? Or Do I Need a Program To Do that? Or if so download link please. Thanks And God Bless You and Your Family :D And Happy Holidays :D
  3. M

    What is the name of one of mahsun musics in which he is nightmaring and a girl

    comes to calm him? i watched a music by i dont know any lyrics but it was from mahsun kirmizigul and at first of that mahsun is having nightmare and sleeping and the girl comes to calm him
  4. D

    Which are the 3 better musics of his favourite band?

    I Know that it is not easy to choose only 3, but which are the musics that more represent your favourite band?
  5. S

    can you recommend me some 3d songs ? not 3d sounds .3d musics?

    I can't find 3d musics... . I don't want 3d Sounds Like River's sound Or Animal's Sound . i just wanna some music that is sings with 3d system
  6. J

    I need some recommendations for good chill out musics or lounge music..?

    making a list would be very much appreciated. I lost my playlist since I kept everything on imeem, and I don't want to sign up for myspace. thank you very much.. :)
  7. B

    i have samsung impression how could i make my musics that i downloaded on...

    ...limewire to set it as ringtone? but it says its too long..
  8. J

    if i was to make a basketball slideshow, which musics can i play in the...

    ...background that is appropriate? artist name- title thanks :D
  9. J

    if i was to make a basketball slideshow, which musics can i play in the...

    ...background that is appropriate? artist name- title thanks :D
  10. L

    Question about Abercrombie musics, Tittle of the song, when u hear the...

    ...word "Wonderful"? Note: (I do not shop at Abercrombie and I will never shop there) These are great, listen to all of them and list all the title if you can. I'm targeting one song here, I really want to rip it out.. (When you hear the word "Wonderful" that's the song I'm looking for! :)...
  11. H

    Can you tell me the steps on how to bluetooth musics from my laptop to my nokia 6300?

    Please help me...
  12. W

    a good list of foreign musics..?

    i basically know all american songs... im into foreign music, such as french, russian, german, dutch, korean, swedish, and japanese.... so far... like foreign musics can be really bad or really good... so i want that really good ones tuned along with your tastes... ill give mine for example...
  13. S

    where to learn mixing musics online?like the disc jockeys doing..?
