
  1. M

    What is the musty smell coming from the vents in my car?

    For the past few weeks I have a bad mildew smell coming from the vents. When i turn the a/c on I can really smell it but sometimes even if I don't have anything on I can still smell the odor coming from the vents. i don't want to go to a mechanic if I can fix this myself. But I have clean the...
  2. M

    Dvd cases have a musty smell from storage. is there a way to remove it?

    leaving them outside is obviously not an option, they would definitely be stolen. I do not want to alter the cases, meaning I dont want a chemical that will kill the pictures, and the pictures cannot be removed.
  3. T

    Tylenol Moldy And Musty Odor Again, Another Recall

    Johnson & Johnson is recalling a 127,728 bottles of Tylenol after reports the painkiller had a weird, musty odor. This is not the first time this has happened this year, in fact, the company has recalled millions of Tylenol bottles as well as some other medications for the same reason; a moldy...
  4. C

    2005 ford tarus, musty smell from a/c vents and no condensate under car while

    a/c is running.? I assume the drain is plugged. where is it and how do i fix it?
  5. L

    What to do about this musty smell in corner of lounge? In a rental, please...

    ...advise, it hurts my nose!? We're in a rental that has got some mould/ventilation issues. But the only visible mould is in the sealant just behind the kitchen sink (a contractor removed some but it is coming back). But I keep noticing a strong musty rusty smell in one corner of the lounge...