
  1. P

    do you think that the prediction of planet nibiru will come true?

    when our social studies teacher told us it just came up to me to find out what it is you just have to search about the planet x in yahoo! or google it is just simple please just tell me what you knew about this planet because i am so curious please!
  2. W

    " N.I.B.I.R.U " Rumor being the dinosaurs died from an ''Ice Age"?

    what did cause this 'ice age' ? Where is the factual proof ... ? And, what are the after effects and the 'present effects' ''IF'' im wrong about the ''ice age'' being the end of the dinosaurs.. what are the other therioes ? ? Is it possible.. that a passing planet had anything to do with the...
  3. D

    anyone heard the rumors about planet x aka nibiru? ?

    i heard it on fox news early in the mornings and its everywhere on the web like astronomer websites and conspiracy sites,youtube and even facebook. is it a hoax or are NASA and the governments of the world know its coming but wont tell us cause of widespread panic & mayhem. there's heaps of...