
  1. K

    What are some nonfiction, romantic, comedy books?

    I need a nonfiction book that's at least 200 pages and is for teens. I prefer romantic or comedy books too but they have to be nonfiction! Please help!(:
  2. Q

    Some works of nonfiction examine and discuss a focused topic and include the

    writer's personal viewpoints...? Some works of nonfiction examine and discuss a focused topic and include the writer's personal viewpoints. This type of nonfiction is known as which of the following? A. speech B. essay C. lyric D. short story
  3. S

    Is the book: "my brother sam is dead" fiction or non-fiction?

    again for my assignment......i need to know for my book report. so if you answer past nov 16 your really no use to me...ha
  4. M

    What must every introduction to nonfiction writing include?

    Please need help with writing
  5. E

    What are some famous/popular NONFICTION writings?

    I'm in a writing competition of my school and the category is Creative Nonfiction. So I need some good nonfiction to write. (see quotation below for genres I can write about) "Students may submit work in any of the subgenres of creative nonfiction: memoir or autobiography, essay, literary...
  6. K

    There's only fiction and nonfiction, correct?

    There is fiction and nonfiction. Things such as auto/biographies fall under nonfiction, and things such as fantasy fall under fiction. Right? And *then* (as my fifth grade teacher so confusingly put it, and I've learned to just accept it that way) comes things such as religion, which *doesn't*...
  7. L

    I'm interested in Fed Law Enforcement...any nonfiction book recommendations?

    Ask a reference librarian at your college. They will put you onto these books. Go to the Homeland Security Website and read, too. FBI-Homeland Security is a good career path. They have the budget to hire, too, when other agencies are being cut.
  8. B

    Good/interesting non-fiction book?

    Hello! So basically I have to read a nonfiction book over the next two weeks and it's up to me to decide. Anyone have any good suggestions of a good nonfiction book? I love to read but I don't want to read a boring book. And no biographies/autobiographies. Thanks! ((;
  9. E

    Time Travel ~ Sci-Fi or Non-Fiction?

    Do you have enough imagination to see time travel for what it is? Yes or No is accepted, but an intriguing detailed theory is preferred. Is it possible? The more far fetched the better. Have Fun!
  10. S

    Any suggestions to non-fiction books related to war and/or war affects?

    I read the novel City of Thieves this summer and I need to do a research paper on war and/or war affects. Any suggestions to quick-read books I can read and use for my research paper would be great!
  11. J

    Are non-fiction books about affairs popular among people?

    My sister had an affair a few years back and personally, I'd think it'd make a good book. Are things like that popular? How could she go about publishing it? Thanks.
  12. B

    What are some reasons to read a non-fiction book?

    The most common to read a fiction is entertainment. What about non-fiction? My reasons are: get a better knowledge of a particular field(medicine), learn about new things(how-to), and be a better reader. What are yours?
  13. R

    Is this book non-fiction?

    I'm reading a book about the Pearl harbor attacks from the japanese. It has no characters and itz just information and history. Can i use this book for my non-fiction book report?
  14. K

    Is 'The Alchemist' by Paul Coelho fiction or nonfiction?

    I forgot where I found it in the library and I've looked everywhere on the internet just to find if it's fiction or nonfiction.
  15. S

    I'm looking for a non-fiction book on the history and future of biotechnology...

    ...for the layman. Can anyone help? I'm interested in learning about biotechnology from a pop-sci book. I have training in the sciences but not biotechnology, in particular. I would like to find a book that can help me understand the history, current state, and (at least one or more visions of...
  16. S

    I'm looking for a non-fiction book on the history and future of networking for the

    layman. Can anyone help? I'm interested in learning about computer networks (and networking), and related areas from one or more pop-sci books. I have training in the sciences but not this area, in particular. I would like to find a book that can help me understand the history, current state...