
  1. K

    Is a handheld mini nuke legal in America?

    The 2nd Amendment says " the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed".
  2. G

    how do i play nuke town 2025 on black ops 2 on my xbox?

    i just want to know how to play it i cant find please help and i did enter the code!
  3. J

    Can anyone game share nuke town zombies with me ps3?

  4. G

    Japan nuke news 18: Reactor facilities smoke, sputter. Fission continues?

    Claims are being made that the situation at Fukushima is starting to improve, but there is no actual evidence of this. We probably (but not certainly) passed the point where nuclear fuel is likely to accumulate in such a way as to cause a major fission event or explosion, but there is still...
  5. G

    Japan nuke news 19: Robots and reactors

    Ana's Feeed starting Sunday mid day through last night: TEPCO press conf. (NHK): Since the accident, we have caused a huge amount of trouble and inconvenience to residents and anxiety to the greater population in general ... Residents have been asked to evacuate and they would like to return...
  6. G

    Japan quake, tsunami, nuke news 13: When in doubt, throw a towel on it.

    As I tune in to NHK live TV, and see the piece on using Twitter to aid in disaster relief being shown for the 20th time over the last 48 hours, I wonder about what appears to be a sudden and dramatic drop in the level of coverage of the Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster. Over the last...
  7. M

    how to play in nuke town fo online matchs black ops ps3?

    i want to know how cause in all the big maps i play in people camp and then i only get a couple kills i want to know how it appears in the voting thingy so i can play on a realtively small map ps i have ps3 add me the_giver123 ps(again) i suck big time i just got the game
  8. A

    Don't you wish Homos lived on an Island so you could NUKE it?

    Those Butt Pirates need to go down once and for all!
  9. G

    This Space Nuke Explosion Was the Ultimate Firecracker [Nukes]

    In 1962, the US government thought it might be a good idea to send a hydrogen bomb hundreds of miles into the air and detonate it. Just, you know, to see what happened. Decades later, now you can too. More » Energy - Hydrogen - Technology - Nuclear weapon - US government
  10. S

    Is it time for the US to nuke the gulf of Mexico?

    BP failed in its 3rd attempt to cap the oil pipe from which all the oil has been pumping out of. Is it time for the US do it what Russia does in this scenario? Collapse the pipe with a small tactical nuke?
  11. A

    Nuke Boosting Partner For Xbox MW2?

    I'm looking for a boosting partner. My gamertag is JewashWins. Add me or comment on this.
  12. S

    SURVEY: Strongest armies according to Nuke capability?

    This is according to wikipedia and there is no germany ???? United States Russia (USSR) United Kingdom France China India Israel Pakistan North Korea
  13. P

    The foundry nuke v5.2v3 macosx x86-xforce

    Category: PC-Mac Size: 147.21 MB Files: 36 (7 pars) Group: a.b.mac .NFO: View NFO Posted: Mon November 30th 02:31:02 UTC Download NZB
  14. I

    What is the best way to nuke live rock with hydroids in them?

    I'm thinking of just boiling it in water; let it stand dry for a week or so; and put it back in my sw tank. That will totaly kill of the hydroids right? More suggestions on how to nuke lr and making it live again would be good.. thnx