
  1. L

    Octuplets Doctor has another patient expecting Quadruplets.?

    8 months ago Dr. Michael Kamrava helped Nadya Suleman become pregnant with her octuplets, now there is another California woman who is close to 50 years of age and doesn't have insurance who is going to have Quadruplets. What are your feelings, especially is you live in California...
  2. A

    Mother of octuplets: What do you think?

    I believe she's just out there for the fame and money. Not because she actually wanted kids. I guess she wants to be the next "Jon&Kate". Such a selfish woman to not even think about her children's future, but only about her own. She already prepared herself to become some sort of celebrity...
  3. T

    Nadya Suleman mother of the octuplets donations website. I was just looking at...

    ...it. What do you think of it? And her? It it wrong for her or anyone to have a website like this or do you think people with large families or money problems are justified in asking for donations? I am just looking for peoples honest opinions on this. Also if you are interested you can...
  4. E

    What are your opinions on the Octuplets news story?

    I'm just curious about how others feel about it. I went to the family's website today out of curiosity and I had to leave after looking at the babies and finding myself disgusted with how ... sickly and frail they looked.
  5. J

    Whats everyone/s opinion/s on Nadya Suleman (latest Octuplets birth) after watching

    latest Dateline, tonight? Torn on this because of so many factors on this.
  6. 2

    Why did the mother of the Octuplets lie about welfare?

    Nadya Suleman, the mother of the octuplets born last month, gets $490 a month in food stamps, the Los Angeles Times reported Monday evening. Three of her first children also get federal supplemental security income because they are disabled, the Times reported. Suleman's publicist, Michael...
  7. F

    Why is the mother with octuplets publicists blaming the grandmother for

    what the mothers 6 kids did? "Nadya Suleman's publicist Mike Furtney said that his client has been away for nearly two months, so shouldn't be held responsible for the home's current condition." http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090209/ap_on_re_us/octuplets I mean really...it was the mother's kids...
  8. K

    how do yu guys feel about the mom with "octuplets" plus the other 6-7 kids she have?

    how do yu guys feel about the mom with "octuplets" plus the other 6-7 kids she have? personally i feel sorry for her bekuz in this time of life rite now she should have waited..i wish them will..god bless
  9. M

    What's Wrong With The Mother of Octuplets?

    Is it just me or does it look like woman who had octuplets has had plastic surgery? Her nose and lips look really weird. I think she psycologically needs help. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GvDGc_oRLXg The First Dragon, I didn't mean that she needs psychological help because of her looks...
  10. M

    What do you think about the Octuplets situation?

    Just wondering about what eveyone thinks about the woman who had 8 babies and 6 already using in vitro and no husband, and no job....Do you think it was wrong? What's your opinion?
  11. J

    Octuplets? Thats crazy!!!!!?

    So I was reading the story today about the woman who had octuplets. I'm pretty surprised that she doesn't have a husband, she lives with her family, she seems to be a bit of a "story teller" bc in one interview she said she had a dysfunctional childhood and then later she claimed that she had a...
  12. H

    question about the woman who had octuplets & now has 14 kids?

    okay my question is if she still lives at home, & has 6 other kids & is on welfare (so ive heard im not sure if that's 100% true) how the h*ck did she pay for the fertility treatment in the first place-I always thought those procedures were beaucoup dollars Im not trying to bash her, or say shes...
  13. S

    Have you heard any part of the interview that the octuplets mother gave?

    And has it changed your view point of her? So far it hasn't changed my view point of her and how irresponsible it was of her to have that many children without a husband. The doctors too should have said no to her when she kept going into their clinic. Both the mother and doctors were at...
  14. E

    What are your thoughts on the mother that just had octuplets?

    I guess she already has 6 other kids at home, she is single, and unemployed as far as i know she is a citizen but either way we are paying for it so that point doesn't even make sense
  15. C

    Is it just me or does the octuplets mom, Nadya, just giving us excuses now?

    The Suleman family thinks that explaining to us her messed up past is going to make us feel sorry for her....NO! And that her 165K workers comp is what paid for her invitros, NO again, maybe part, but each in vitro alone costs 40,000 a piece, lets see, she had 6 kids prior, all from invitro...