
  1. L

    do gamers and otaku get along well?

    i am a female otaku 16 years old my Kind of boyfriend thing is a gamer he is 16 we seem to get along with thoes 2 things really well is this normal just curious i love him either way
  2. T

    do u know what otaku means?

    This is a survey to see what people think the word otaku means, if u know what it means give the delinition and why u think its that, i just want to know how many people beleive in the rumor...
  3. K

    Otaku needs help!!!!?

    whats the name of the anime where in the first episode the best person(a girl) at fighting/magic at a school is beaten by a new kid(guy). If im correct both of those characters have blond hair.
  4. A

    Are you an Otaku ?! An quiz for all you anime lovers.?

    Hello again, Thanks to the great responce to my previous quizzes I couldn't help but make another one. Here are 20 questions that are anime-related. Copy/Paste below, whatever and put your answer. Best Answer will be one that answers the most, don't worry if you're not the first to answer all...
  5. A

    how to make a child become an otaku?

    i have a nephew that is 2 going on 3 and i want him to be an otaku do you have any ideas how to make him into one?
  6. A

    Anime Quiz : Are you an Otaku?

    Hello everybody ! Thank you for the great responce to my previous anime quiz, it was really fun reading everybody's answers... I tried to pick a different range of genres, and of course, this is just a fun test and doesn't prove at all that you are/aren't an Okatu ! If you haven't checked out my...
  7. A

    Anime Quiz : Are you an Otaku?

    Hello everybody ! Thank you for the great responce to my previous anime quiz, it was really fun reading everybody's answers... I tried to pick a different range of genres, and of course, this is just a fun test and doesn't prove at all that you are/aren't an Okatu ! If you haven't checked out my...
  8. M

    I think I've become an actual otaku...?

    I'm anti social don't really leave the house and like all i do is watch anime and read manga...this isn't really a question...w/e if you happen to find this leave a comment of what you think of my life -_-