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    Technique To Predict Hotspots For Future Flu Outbreaks

    This year's unusually long and rocky flu season would be nothing compared to the pandemic that could occur if bird flu became highly contagious among humans, which is why UCLA researchers and their colleagues are creating new ways to predict where an outbreak could emerge... More...
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    Chances Seen Rising For Chikungunya Outbreaks In NYC, Atlanta, Miami

    Global travel and climate warming could be creating the right conditions for outbreaks of a new virus in this country, according to a new Cornell University computer model. The model predicts that outbreaks of chikungunya, a painful virus transported by travelers and spread by the invasive Asian...
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    Game Used By Researchers To Change How Scientists Study Outbreaks

    An international team of scientists has created an innovative tool for teaching the fundamentals of epidemiology - the science of how infectious diseases move through a population. The team teaches a workshop annually in South Africa that helps epidemiologists improve the mathematical models...
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    Raw Milk Causes Most Dairy-related Outbreaks Of Diseases

    Unpasteurized milk, also known as raw milk, is proportionally responsible for 150 times more disease outbreaks than pasteurized milk, a new report issued by the CDC's (Center for Disease Control and Prevention) Emerging Infectious Diseases has revealed. The authors also explained that...
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    New Insight Into 2011 E. coli Outbreaks In Europe Provided By Whole-Genome Sequencing

    Using whole-genome sequencing, a team led by researchers from Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) and the Broad Institute has traced the path of the E. coli outbreak that sickened thousands and killed over 50 people in Germany in summer 2011 and also caused a smaller outbreak in France. It is...
  6. A

    How likely is it to pass herpes between outbreaks?

    If a guy has unprotected sex with a girl that has herpes but is not having an outbreak, how likely is it that he will come away from the encounter infected? Also, I've heard that applying a thin layer of vaseline over the areas that typically break out can reduce the chances of viral...
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    Reuters Examines Measles Outbreaks In Africa

    Reuters reports on how some health experts worry that growing complacency about the threat of measles in Africa is contributing to "some of [the continent's] largest and most deadly outbreaks in years." Worldwide, "[a]bout 164,000 people died from measles in 2008, down 78 percent from 733,000 in...
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    Surveillance Systems Find No Major Disease Outbreaks Since Haiti Quake; Media Examine

    Haitian and U.S. public health experts recently reported that two new surveillance systems set up in Haiti after the January earthquake showed that no major disease outbreaks had developed and that the new systems could be part of the foundation of the country's health system in the long term...
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    Outbreaks of H5N1 Bird Virus Infection in Wild Birds in time and space: Temperature m

    It has long been thought that there are linkages between certain viruses and the weather. The flu season is winter (in whichever hemisphere it happens to be winter in) for reasons having to do with the seasons. One early theory posited that the practices of East Asian farmers, as they tended...
  10. M

    Do you know of an interesting recent article on healthy safety, outbreaks,...

    ...diseases, or topics like toxins in? I am taking a sanitation and safety class and I have to find an article on one of the topics, show documentation of the article, and attach a written summary which I will read to the class. I have been searching online for a recent article that interests me...
  11. C

    pimple outbreaks in my 20?

    I've never really had outbreaks in my teenage years, but im having these pimple outbreaks (i'm 20), and it usually concentrate in one area and then move to another. What does this mean? if this is hormonal change could this mean I can get more height? (i'm asian and 5"7)