
  1. T

    Questioning The Benefits Of Elective Removal Of Ovaries During Hysterectomy: Evidence

    Removal of the ovaries (bilateral oophorectomy) while performing a hysterectomy is common practice to prevent the subsequent development of ovarian cancer. This prophylactic procedure is performed in 55 percent of all US women having a hysterectomy, or approximately 300,000 times each year. An...
  2. T

    Questioning The Benefits Of Elective Removal Of Ovaries During Hysterectomy: Evidence

    Removal of the ovaries (bilateral oophorectomy) while performing a hysterectomy is common practice to prevent the subsequent development of ovarian cancer. This prophylactic procedure is performed in 55 percent of all US women having a hysterectomy, or approximately 300,000 times each year. An...
  3. T

    Questioning The Benefits Of Elective Removal Of Ovaries During Hysterectomy: Evidence

    Removal of the ovaries (bilateral oophorectomy) while performing a hysterectomy is common practice to prevent the subsequent development of ovarian cancer. This prophylactic procedure is performed in 55 percent of all US women having a hysterectomy, or approximately 300,000 times each year. An...
  4. A

    Sharp Pains In Both Ovaries?

    For The Last Three Days I Have Been Having Real Sharp Pains In Both My Left And Right Ovaries. I Am On March Break Vacation And It Hurts So Bad I Dont Want To Go Anywhere And I Feel Bad For My Husband And Children, Has Anyone Experienced These Pains Before???????? P.s. I Had Cervical Cancer And...
  5. S

    i have polycystic ovaries?

    i have been trying for a bay for 3 years i go to hospital at the fertility department and they give me pill to help... but nothing seem to be working. my husband has to children but as much as i love them i would like a baby of my own.
  6. O

    why do my ovaries hurt?

    i dont know if they are my ovaries or not, but its like around that area. they especially hurt when i try to do situps or push ups.
  7. Y

    I have just been told i have polycystic ovaries?

    I was just about to start trying for a baby, what does this mean for me. I have two friends that have polycystic ovaries and they each have two children. Is it really hard to get pregnant with this. I was also told that one of my ovaries is bigger then the other Please help me, i'm really scared
  8. X

    Cramping (feels like its coming from both ovaries) Dull lower back pain, Weird

    distinct smell, Extremely hot!!? I am not sure what is going on with my body but I am getting like dull and sharp pains on both sides in my lower abdomen off and on for the past couple days. Its like a pulsating sensation along with the cramps too. Feels almost like ovulation but i am pretty...