
  1. S

    Israelis, would you help an injured Palestinian, and vice-versa?

    It's a simple question, and here's the scenario: You're driving along alone, it's daylight, in the open (ie there's no-one else around), and you see someone laying by the side of the road, seemingly in pain, but alive. You identify that they're Israeli/Palestinian. You get eye contact with...
  2. W

    Why are the US and Israel opposing a Palestinian state?

    The excuse is that it will jeopardize peace talks. What peace talks ? As I see it the opposite would happen as it would put both on a level footing from the beginning or could it be that Israel wants to occupy the whole of Palestine thus making any proposed statehood impossible.?
  3. M

    Should I continue my relationship with this Palestinian girl? Her culture keeps

    getting in the way!? I'm Latino, and she's Palestinian. We met 3 years ago in high school, and we just started dating 7 months ago. To be honest, her culture makes it difficult for our relationship to thrive. She's not allow to hang out with friends let alone guys. Her parents are strict. They...
  4. T

    International Team Of American, Palestinian, Israeli, Kosovar Psychiatrists Come Toge

    On December 6th, 2010, James S. Gordon, M.D., one of world's leaders in healing psychological trauma, will bring an international team, including Palestinian, Israeli and Kosovar psychiatrists and psychologists to Haiti to lay the foundation for Haiti's first-ever nationwide program of primary...
  5. T

    I am a Palestinian Agnostic thinking about converting to Judaism?

    Any advice?
  6. H

    israel claim it want peace BUT refuse to stop stealing Palestinian land &

    building illegal settlements!HOW? israel want to keep building illegal settlements on Palestinian land and have peace in the same time? How come?
  7. U

    Why are Palestinian Christians as Terrorist as Palestinian Muslims?

    I know that Muslims are just terrorists, and i am a Christian and proud that my religion has never been used to kill people, unlike all of these Muslim savages, despite all the hogwash that my so called "educated or expert" Professors put out there about the "Christian Colonial Expansionism"...
  8. U

    Why are Palestinian Christians as Terrorist as Palestinian Muslims?

    I know that Muslims are just terrorists, and i am a Christian and proud that my religion has never been used to kill people, unlike all of these Muslim savages, despite all the hogwash that my so called "educated or expert" Professors put out there about the "Christian Colonial Expansionism"...
  9. P

    Why are Palestinian Christians as Militant as Palestinian Muslims?

    Why are they as willing to fight as Palestinian Muslims against Israel? I know that all Muslims are barbaric terrorists but why are the Palestinian Christians just as Militant? I've formed two theories that i think describe why all Palestinians are so angry and willing to fight: 1. They are...
  10. C

    What is the attitude of Israeli soldiers towards Palestinian civilians?

    It seems Israel see the civilian Palestinians as 'untermenschen' or subhumans naturally or they are so indoctrinated into thinking they are Gods alimighty that they are always more in the right than others. Take this...
  11. T

    If you were a Palestinian and you were being attacked by Israel, how would this

    make you feel? ? I just want people to think for one second, because Israel has gone totally out of control. Do they really think they are making the world a safer place? Or is this just a big demonstration of their military strength? If you were a Palestinian and you were just minding your...
  12. D

    Will Hollywood eve make a movie about the Palestinian plight?

    Who will star in this movie (in the Palestinian protagonist and Israeli antagonist roles)? edit: "ever" not "eve"
  13. R

    What do you think of the training of palestinian children by hamas & supporters?
  14. N

    Why can't you see on tv that Israel is targeting Palestinian Kids????????

    ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Are not they innocent children??? is the UN applying double standards here???
  15. H

    When will Hollywood make a movie on Palestinian Holocaust?

    US has been always been In favor of the Jews coz they dance at the finger tips of the Yahood, They did so much propaganda how the Jews were tortured by everyone esp Hitler, showing the Jews were soooo Good & everyone was so mean to them. When is Hollywood going to do this favor for Palestine...
  16. M

    Why do palestinian Hamas people wear masks when they protest or attack someone?

    I wonder. How come when I see footage of Hamas militants or palestinians in any sort of military conflict with Israel they always cover up their faces with their scarves? This seems to be common in other arabic countries like Iraq during the war.