
  1. M

    Why is my dog breathing hard, whining and panting?

    My dog (begal) randomly keeps whining and breathing hard, I let her out to go to the bathroom, she got water went pody and came back in. I put her back in her kennel and she started breathing really hard. So I put her in my bed with me, she won't stop breathing hard and keeps sitting up to pant...
  2. C

    My dog has been panting for days?

    She pants really rapidly most of the time for the past 2 days. She doesn't seem sick in any way. She is eating normally. When she lays down she doesn't pant at all. She follows me around the house a lot, and pants the whole time. I should add that I can't afford a vet, and vets, contrary to...
  3. D

    why is my dog panting every evening and going hot, same time every day?

    my dog poppy (female) who greets us everyday when we come home has been panting and going hot the same time every night for over a week, it looks like shes having hot flushes and has to lie in a cool place and pant for a while, and then she ok, after an hour, but its the same time every nite...
  4. M

    my cat was panting and weak and drooling but he just got up and is sitting down.?

    any ideas what happened or what to do?
  5. T

    URGENT! My nursing dog is panting and heaving and shaking I don't know what to do...?

    She just started doing this about 20 minutes ago. Today she hasn't been too good at being with the puppies and I've had to lock her in there a few times. She's shaking and panting and heaving and her heart is beating really fast. I can't get her to the vet until the morning and I just don't know...
  6. K

    My dog gave birth 5 days ago and today she is panting allot and will walk...

    ...around and whine is she ok? Is this normal? She is attending her pups but she is panting alot and will pace the house and sometimes whine.. Please help...
  7. C

    Panting, moaning or screaming?

    during sssssssseee..........ports? wouldnt that be awsome seeing guys like David beckham and Cristiano ronaldo moaning down the football field? or do they already do that?