
  1. R

    how do i prevent the clear coat from peeling on my 2006 toyota matrix?

    I just want to know what are some things I can do to prevent my clear coar from peeling. Is it true that waxing your car can help to prevent clear coat from peeling?
  2. M

    Peeling vagina?! HELP!!!?

    I already know why I have been blessed with this pleasant little condition... My boyfriend fingered me pretty hard a few days ago and the next day: WHAMO! the skin around and in my vagina was peeling like crazy... I am in A LOT of pain so i looked this up and found lots of things saying "this is...
  3. N

    Im Scared. I have Peeling skin all over my body and I showed my mom... Etcc Read

    Moree? I showed my mom 2 patches of it on my wrist and next to i dont know what to call it the line.I showed her those two patches and she said why and im like i dont know and she said go put vasaline but im scared because I only showed her two patches and I have more all over my body and I dont...
  4. T

    Peeling Back DNA Packaging To Gain Insight Into Cells

    Scientists have built a clearer picture of how lengthy strands of DNA are concertinaed when our cells grow and divide, in a discovery could help explain how cell renewal can go wrong. Scientists have identified thousands of proteins that play a key role in compacting DNA - a crucial process by...
  5. A

    Hands and Fingers peeling?

    Okay so I am 14 years old, My hands have always been great looking. And now lately they have been excessively peeling but my hands are not dry? I just had acrylic nails done, and Before I noticed the peeling I had little red dots all over my palm? Please tell me what you think this could be...
  6. M

    Can I redeem a rebate from my motorola droid phone by peeling off the label instead

    of cutting the box? I just bought a Motorola droid and they said to redeem the rebate I need the actual upc code. Would I be able to get my rebate by putting the label on another piece of cardboard instead of cutting the box apart?
  7. M

    Can I redeem a rebate from my motorola droid phone by peeling off the label instead

    of cutting the box? I just bought a Motorola droid and they said to redeem the rebate I need the actual upc code. Would I be able to get my rebate by putting the label on another piece of cardboard instead of cutting the box apart?
  8. M

    Can I redeem a rebate from my motorola droid phone by peeling off the label instead

    of cutting the box? I just bought a Motorola droid and they said to redeem the rebate I need the actual upc code. Would I be able to get my rebate by putting the label on another piece of cardboard instead of cutting the box apart?
  9. G

    How to fix paint peeling off problem?

    I have a Ford Mustang 2000 and I noticed on the roof, there is a penny-size hole that's exposing its metal and paint is peeling off around it. I'm afraid that it will get worse if not taken care of now. Please help on how to deal with this. Thanks all in advance.
  10. M

    Skin peeling on hands?

    hey everyone, i've had this problem since i was a toddler. My hands form little skin 'pockets' probably about the size of a pin head and its white. Those little 'pockets' are skin. i can peel that off. i usually don't but it ends up peeling on its own. it always starts at the tips of my fingers...
  11. C

    Will E45 reduce the chances of my sunburn peeling?

    I have olive complexion and i never really burn, until yesterday! Im putting E45 on the burnt areas - has anyone else used this on their sunburn and did it help prevent peeling?
  12. C

    on my truck, there r spots where paint is peeling. Could i get the paint redone

    4 under $2000? on the hood, there's laminant peeling & even some paint & the primer coat is showing. in & around the bed, there's even more. can i get the paint redone(the factory applied coat) without spending too much $$$?
  13. R

    Why is my vagina peeling?

    Alright, Well im fourteen ima virgin anddd around my clit area my skin is peeling. Im giong to the gino soon but in the mean time i would like to know if you guys know what it is. Plus i have thick white discharge in the canal.... What could this be? & Its not itchy or smelly so i dont think...
  14. T

    Manual Puppy eye peeling?

    Hi, my 4 month old bitch just had 5 puppies about a day ago, the mother hasn't fed them yet and she doesn't take care of them at all what should i do. Also, I'm concerned that their eyes aren't open, I would really like to see their eyes. Should I manually try to peel their eyes open or should I...
  15. S

    06 VW Jetta paint peeling off?

    I have a 2006 VW Jetta. A few weeks ago, I took it to get all the dirt and snow washed off, and when I got home I noticed the back bumper has paint peeling off of it in three separate spots. So I took it to me nearest VW dealer. They took pics and the guy said it looks like there's no damage...
  16. D

    Solutions for peeling interior trim of 1999 Toyota Corolla?

    The grey interior trim of my 1999 Corolla started warping last summer and now it is peeling off in places. Does anyone know how to deal with this problem?