
  1. D

    Do you know where I can buy a pentagram necklace in Denver? Help!?

    I'm looking for a pentagram necklace for my husband. I can't order online because I don't have a credit card and using my debit card is too risky. I'm also looking for stores that sell black metal band t-shirts. I'm looking for dimmu borgir and cradle of filth t-shirts or posters before...
  2. T

    In Eminem's VMA promo, he falls onto a pentagram, does it mean something special?

    Have you all seen Em's VMA promo video? He falls onto a pentagram of Walk of Fame. However you can tell, it's not a genuine Walk of Fame star... And then he stands up, walks towards another ego of himself, who is standing at the end of Walk of Fame. Then these two egos merge into one. Does this...
  3. N

    Why do people say Venus traces a perfect pentagram?

    I investigated this using the Venus Synodic Cycle period and plotted with a software how venus is seen from earth in this time during sunrise. The pentagram is FAR from perfect, but it indeed a 5 pointed star. My second investigation was positioning myself 2.2 au from Sun, and also plotting...