
  1. G

    Create Your Own Completely Insane Patents [PhotoshopContest]

    Yesterday, we saw a patent for a contraption designed to spin a pregnant woman around really fast so a baby would pop out. Surely, you can do just as well. More »
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    Let's Make Those Boring iPhone Lines a Little More Interesting [PhotoshopContest]

    The lines for the iPhone 4 were long, slow and boring. Let's spice them up, shall we? Take some line photos and add in some elements that would've made the new phone everyone was waiting for boring in comparison. More » IPhone - Smartphone - Handhelds - iPhone 4 - Graphics...
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    Let's Come Up With Some Excuses for the Gulf Coast Oil Disaster [PhotoshopContest]

    This oil catastrophe off the coast of Louisiana is seriously bad news, something they'll be forced to deal with for years. Who is to blame?! We need some scapegoats, and fast! More » Gulf Coast of the United States - Louisiana - United States - Mississippi - Gulf Coast
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    Create Some Video Game Crossovers [PhotoshopContest]

    A hacked game lets you play the original Super Mario Bros with any number of old-school video game characters. But this idea could be taken so much further! Let's combine games across consoles and eras, shall we? More »
  5. G

    Create Some Video Game Crossovers [PhotoshopContest]

    A hacked game lets you play the original Super Mario Bros with any number of old-school video game characters. But this idea could be taken so much further! Let's combine games across consoles and eras, shall we? More »
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    Help Microsoft Market to Demographics Other Than Hipsters [PhotoshopContest]

    So Herrman thinks Microsoft needs to cool it with marketing to hipsters. OK! Let's help them out by creating some marketing materials that aim at some underrepresented demographics. More »
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    Help Me Shame My Coworkers [PhotoshopContest]

    There are lots of pictures of the Giz staff on our site these days. From Mascari in the iPad review to Kyle riding the Honda U3-X, they're all over the place. What fitting source material for a Photoshop Contest! More »
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    Let's See Steve Jobs Unveil Something Other Than an Apple Product [PhotoshopContest]

    You know, we've all seen Steve announce iPads, iPods, iPhones and iMacs. Old hat! Let's see him announce some less likely products, shall we? More »
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    Turn Modern Gadgets Into Soviet-Era Relics [PhotoshopContest]

    This week's Photoshop Contest was inspired by this magical website: turn today's modern gadgets into utilitarian, Soviet-era devices. No fanciness, just cold usefulness. Send your best entries to me at [email protected] with Soviet Gadgets in the subject line. Save your files as JPGs or GIFs...