
  1. G

    This Is What a Plague of Locusts Actually Looks Like

    A plague of locusts sounds like the kind of biblical torment that we'll never really need to worry about. But they're real, they happen—and boy do they cause trouble. Read more...
  2. A

    Problems plague NBC?s Olympic streaming

    NBC faced a lot of criticism on Friday when they refused to stream the Opening Ceremony live, tape delaying the event until hours later on the east coast and making viewers in the Pacific Time Zone wait even longer to see Paul McCartney lead one of the world's largest sing-alongs. But never fear...
  3. A

    Last-minute problems plague London Olympics

    Athletes are ready for the London Games. London, it would appear, is not. Less than two weeks before the Summer Olympics are scheduled to begin, concerns have been raised over ongoing construction at the Olympic Park, which will play host to several high-profile events such as track and field...
  4. T

    Skin Problems Plague Athletes

    The Olympics are all about the "thrill of victory and the agony of defeat." But for many Summer Games athletes, there's also the agony of skin irritations and conditions that can make the journey to the medal stand more difficult. Skin problems rank among athletes' most common complaints, but...
  5. K

    How long were Plague doctors around?

    The century they appeared and when they finally died out. I'm wanting to paint a Plague Doctor and a female Harlequin or jester but I don't know if they were around at the same time. I want my work to be historically accurate.
  6. J

    How to deal with the mobile phone/iPod classroom PLAGUE? Rack for multiple mobiles?

    So much of my teaching time is wasted policing mobile phone and ipod misuse. Any ideas? At a meeting I suggested requiring students to put them in a class box at the start of the lesson, but the obstructive types said, 'Then there would be the risk of someone taking the wrong set.' Well if you...
  7. C

    Are there any good movies on the Black Plague?

    I am doing a report for my global class on the black plague and I need a movie on the black plague. The whole movie doesn't have to be the about the black plague, but if it has a good segment on the damage it did and how it affected the people. thanks!
  8. G

    A world plague in 2012? Predictions by Cornelius Van Ryder? Going through a... found in a boot fair I found? a printed paper written by Cornelius Van Ryder predicting that in March 2012 an outbreak of a mystery illness will be discovered in South America and that within six months it will spread to all countries of the world with the exception of a few isolated...
  9. K

    Will OS 6.0 fix the wifi issues that plague the BlackBerry 9700 (Bold)?

    BlackBerry Bold owners (like myself) tend to report that the wifi connection of the device is iffy at best. Has RIM mentioned anything about any fixes? I've googled it myself, but came up empty-handed.
  10. G

    No Gravity The Plague of Mind USA PSN PSP-PSN

    Category: Console-PSP Size: 70.02 MB Files: 11 (5 pars) Group: .NFO: View NFO Posted: Wed March 4th 19:53:31 UTC Download NZB