
  1. Z

    telus cell phone plannn?

    so im with the student 35, and i have about 14 months left of my contract.. i hate the plan im on, so could i switch to a cheaper plan, or would that lock me into another contract? i want a better plan, thats costs the same/less. theres the student 40, which has sooo much more and is sooo...
  2. J

    Telus Unlimited Texting Plans? Help!!!, Pleeaasse!! I Need A Plannn!?

    Ayyye. ;) im looking for a telus unlimited texting plans, im looking into it because for my birthday i want a LG Voyager. :) haha. there really cool, do you know the pricee? or a site i can find that info? thanks, jellz. ;)
  3. J

    Telus Unlimited Texting Plans? Help!!!, Pleeaasse!! I Need A Plannn!?

    Ayyye. ;) im looking for a telus unlimited texting plans, im looking into it because for my birthday i want a LG Voyager. :) haha. there really cool, do you know the pricee? or a site i can find that info? thanks, jellz. ;)