
  1. T

    Women With Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Seem To Have Higher Risk Of Heart Attack And Str

    A syndrome common in women of reproductive age may place them at greater risk for hardening of the arteries, which predisposes them to heart attack and stroke, according to research published Feb. 15 in the American Journal of Physiology, Endocrinology and Metabolism. Glucose can stimulate an...
  2. L

    Polycystic ovary syndrome?

    could someone give me some personal experience- my doctor mentioned it to me, and I have to wait and see.
  3. B

    Metformin for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome?

    I've had the blood tests, and the ultrasound. The ultrasound didnt show any cysts on my ovaries, but the blood test result did indicate that if I wasn't on the contraceptive pill I may develop cysts. The doctor has put me on Metformin. What changes should I experience as a result of this...
  4. S

    i have polycystic ovaries?

    i have been trying for a bay for 3 years i go to hospital at the fertility department and they give me pill to help... but nothing seem to be working. my husband has to children but as much as i love them i would like a baby of my own.
  5. T

    Polycystic Ovary Syndrome?

    Back in November, I was sent to hospital with a hemorrhagic cyst on my right ovary.. They decided to wait rather than operate to see what would happen- 2 weeks ago I had another ultrasound and it now appears the cyst is not hemorrhagic anymore, and has shrunk slightly.. But they have also found...
  6. Y

    I have just been told i have polycystic ovaries?

    I was just about to start trying for a baby, what does this mean for me. I have two friends that have polycystic ovaries and they each have two children. Is it really hard to get pregnant with this. I was also told that one of my ovaries is bigger then the other Please help me, i'm really scared