
  1. M

    why did Christ call catholics and protestants abominations and harlots?

    Rev 17:5 The Mother Of Harlots And Abominations Of The Earth. all the pagan holidays came from rome, and all her whore daughters keep celebrating thm
  2. L

    why do protestants disagree with catholicism?

    and protestants today call to the catholicism not christianity, when the protestants came from the catholic church and they took the Bible from the catholicism specially the new testament
  3. L

    christian protestants why don't you believe in the virgin mary?

    if mary herself in the Bible said these words, they will call me the blessed for generations, according to luke, only catholics and orthodoxs believe in her but protestants disagree with these verses from the Bible why? isn't suppose mary is the mother of God since Jesus is God?
  4. P

    why do christian protestants are divided about the divinity of Christ?

    they say jesus is merely a Son of God and others accept JESUS IS TOTALLY divine and human , two things in ONE and others say Jesus was a human but he become God when he went to heaven again or others divide Jesus in divine and human
  5. H

    to all protestants who claim to be christians?

    some protestants claim other protestants aren't christians for rejecting the trinity and to baptize in the name of JESUS then are they considered christians the protestant christians who reject the holy trinity?
  6. P

    Is it right for Catholics and Protestants to use their house of worship as a

    marketplace and gambling casino..? as long as the proceeds go to charity, or pay church bills? Really, Catholics don't play bingo with Jackpots of hundreds of dollars on church premises? Protestants don't sell raffle tickets to people who think they will win something only to lose and then...
  7. N

    why do evangelicals or protestants dislike the image of Virgin Mary as Mother of

    Jesus Christ who is God? Mary is absent in the Christmas things of the protestantism why is that? why can't they accept jesus is God then Mary gave birth to Jesus who is true man and true God no? it's not necessary to pray her but she was Mother of God.. and she will be called according to...
  8. M

    Christians,Catholics, Jehovah witness , Protestants: What do you know about...

    ...Prophecies of Mohammad (S.A.A.W) ? (watch that link and share your views ) But Mohammad Saaw is not a false prophet according to Bible 150- 200 years old Hadith books are placed...
  9. A

    Protestants when will you realise that the Catholic church is the only real... of Christ ? We have apostolic succession and the word of Christ in the bible as he laid the foundation for our Catholic church . What do you have ? your history goes back to a traitor monk with far too big of an ego. You have thousands of different churches that are Protestant , you...
  10. M

    Are Protestants Christian?

    Or are they just naughty little catholics that refuse to play nice?
  11. N

    Why do Protestants keep saying the same talking points?

    Catholics: 1.2 Billion. One leader. 17 million converts last year. More than all branches of Islam. Protestants: Largest Church: Anglican, no leader. 80 million. Apparently you are not as good at selling your brand of snake oil, as we at selling ours. So why not try something new...
  12. F

    if the protestants protested the catholics, who will protest the protestants?

  13. S

    Is it customary for Protestants and Catholics to play down their...

    I can't speak as to regarding Catholics, but the majority of protestant churches are very pro-Israel and pro-jew.
  14. C

    becoming catholic..are protestants condemned? what about rumors of scandals

    within the church? First of all no rude comments. let's be mature adults please. I've some questions. I'm in RCIA but having a conflict of conscience. I do respect and admire the Church. I want to follow Christ as close and best I can and I believe the Church provides the tools. I'm wondering...
  15. B

    Why does Reformed Protestants considers Christmas to be a "Pagan" holiday?

    Reformed Protestants even Jehovah's witnesses considers Christmas to be a Pagan holiday and they discourage their members from observing this holiday. If you're one of them, How could you Imagine life without Christmas? The most merry holidays of all?
  16. P

    Why are some protestants on the internet so annoying?

    They always say stuff like "Jesus SAVES!!!!!", or "BE BORN AGAIN OR SUFFER IN HELL!". Why is it that protestants are so uneasy about what other people believe. You never see a Catholic, Jew, or Buddhist do that.