
  1. T

    Major International TEDDY Study Finds No Link Between Virus Infection And Rapidly Dev

    Some of the earliest results from The Environmental Determinants of Diabetes in The Young (TEDDY) study - a major Europe-USA consortium exploring the causes of type 1 diabetes in children - has found no evidence for viral infection as a cause of the rapid-onset form of the condition... More...
  2. T

    Staph Infections Rapidly Detected By New Laboratory Method Using Mass Spectrometry

    Researchers from the Georgia Institute of Technology and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have developed a new laboratory test that can rapidly identify the bacterium responsible for staph infections. This new test takes advantage of unique isotopic labeling combined with...
  3. S

    what are cage fitness exercises to rapidly increase stamina?

    martial arts grading soon, thanks guys
  4. M

    What can cause ALT levels to rapidly increase?

    I recently had some lab tests done as a part of an annual check-up. I am considered to be in excellent health and live a healthy lifestyle (low-fat and organic diet, regular exercise, don't drink, don't smoke, have never used drugs, etc.). All of my lab results were completely normal with the...
  5. S

    Converting PDF to Word doc/Document Rapidly and Economically

    Portable record set up is a non-editable notebook application. This organize layout is very well portable next affable transversely manifold platforms. The PDF provide evidence is the a large amount protected organize layout to the same extent compared to additional...
  6. J

    What is your opinion of the rapidly souring relationship between Ireland and Israel?

    Beginning with the use of forged Irish passports by the Israeli Government. Which was followed by the ship The Rachel Corrie attempting to barge through the blockade. Followed by the Blocking of the Citizens of Europe data sharing deal between Israeli Government and the EU by the Irish and now...
  7. T

    Even The Most Severe Symptoms Rapidly Relieved By Self-Directed Behavioral IBS Treatm

    Nearly one-third of patients with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) who underwent a novel behavior treatment developed by a University at Buffalo behavioral scientist achieved significant relief within four weeks of beginning treatment. These patients, called "rapid responders" maintained their...
  8. L

    Macbook rapidly losing disk space?

    For a little while, I've noticed that my Macbook has been a little low in disk space. I never knew what was taking up so much space, but I always had a decent amount left, so I didn't look into it. Earlier this evening, I started getting alerts that my disk space was low. I checked my HD, and...
  9. J

    nissan ac prob. compressor kicks on off rapidly, what causes that?

    Sounds like low freon. The refridgerant also works as a lubricant in the system.
  10. I

    Would you say that your early to Mid 20s rapidly change?

    Between 20-25 would you say that you see a lot of changes? Or even a really hectic time in life? Relationships forming, new friendships, old friends leaving, trying to find yourself in life? Graduating college? I sometimes find this very overwhelming.
  11. M

    Why is the battery draining so rapidly in my 1989 Ford Ranger?

    my Ford Ranger's battery drains after 10 minutes of being turned off. Does anyone know why this is? All the wiring has been replaced and I've been told that the battery is fairly new. Would something like the Battery Brain work to fix this? yes it does have an aftermarket CD player, but I'm not...
  12. A

    internet disconnects and ethernet light blinks rapidly?

    i have cyber cafe and from last few months my internet was working fine but recently my net disconnects and the ethernet light on the modem blinks rapidly....i have 8 pcs connected...pls help.. it usally disconnects with in 20 mins or so and gets back online after that automaticlly and same...
  13. S

    Why does technology/computers improve so rapidly?

    An interesting fact is that some manufactures plan for their products to fail because they already have an updated version already. So when you see a new electronic device appear, such as a new ipod, remember that the manufacturer already has a newer, slimmer, smaller version in the factories...
  14. H

    Why does technology/computers improve so rapidly?

    How is it that people are able to make electronics and computers that are faster and hold so much information in so little time? What makes it so that people can make such incredible creations in so little time? I mean look at the modern computers/tvs/cell phones now compared to them 10 years...
  15. G

    Why does my car backfire so rapidly that the neigborhood thinks somebody has...

    ...fired a machine gun? It's a 1990 Honda Civic DX, fuel injected. It doesn't seem to matter if it's -10C or -30 degrees C, sometimes it backfires, sometimes not, whatever it wants. Also it's only for 3 or 4 minutes, then it shuts up usually till the next morn when I start it again. Answer as if...