
  1. G

    Should We Try Thorium Reactors?

    Read the comments on this post...
  2. kowalskil

    Radiation:Fukushima reactors update

    Radiation:Fukushima reactors update The accident phase was enden in Fukushima, as described at: Japan's Fukushima reactors finally contained But the process of “decommisioning reactors” is expected to take 40 years. Ludwik Kowalski .
  3. kowalskil

    Scientific methodology of validation of claims

    Scientific methodology of validation of claims Some of you might be interested in an article (about a new invention) I have posted. The link is: Rossi's invention: unlimited, safe and inexpensive energy or wishful thinking? Reporting from Fort Lee, New Jersey It is an entry for a writing...
  4. R

    Arc Reactors.. Looking for insight, don't laugh or talk down to me.?

    I've been doing research in my spare time on the subject of Hydrogen and its plasmic state. Based on the pseudo-science in Iron Man, I've tried to discern ways to possibly create an arc reactor. While I have made logical progress, I lack experimental evidence. This is mostly due to my being a...
  5. G

    Japan nuke news 19: Robots and reactors

    Ana's Feeed starting Sunday mid day through last night: TEPCO press conf. (NHK): Since the accident, we have caused a huge amount of trouble and inconvenience to residents and anxiety to the greater population in general ... Residents have been asked to evacuate and they would like to return...
  6. D

    For Debate, How Generation 4 nuclear reactors are bad?

    I need to find cards for CX debate on how generation 4 nuclear reactors are bad and so forth...i also need citation and website if at all possible...thanks to all in advance!!