
  1. S

    Do the armchair defectives not realise that it is their interest in part that keeps

    the McCann's in the media? They're reading the articles and making comments and there are an ever increasing number of sick and twisted sites 'analysing' the case so editors know that this particular missing child will carry on selling papers for them. Your thoughts?
  2. R

    why can't christian realise that all the evidence points to the flying

    spaghetti monster as? the creator of the universe.
  3. R

    Why doesn't the world realise that Christ is soon to return?

    Look at the signs, all over the world. Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. - Matthew 24:7 I believe that it is this generation that will live to see Jesus return. Look around you. Don't you think that humans...
  4. G

    Why doesn t people realise what s going on and we are at the end and all...

    ...Bible prophecies are being fulfilled? in our face, in front of our very eyes... LHC, wars, earthquakes, ike, katrina, israel x arabs, russia, food shortage, end of US , apostasy , violence etc you can put more if you want.WE ARE AT THE END RIGHT NOW JESUS IS COMING SOON are they blind...
  5. J

    Do gay activists not realise that?

    the average heterosexual male (while tolerant) is totally disgusted by their sexual practices, and that maybe soon there could be a backlash by people who are just fed up with people being targeted just because they have the temerity to stand up for their religious beliefs and who are then...
  6. R

    the cold weather meant a flat battery and after replacing this I realise I...

    ...don't have the radio code.? It's a Ford Focus 2.0L Ghia.(W) The radio is a Keycode 5000. Can anyone supply me the radio code. or do you need more info?
  7. N

    Christians: Do you realise how bizarre it seems from the outside to see you

    argue with one another because of? your different denominations? It is still the same god and same book for all of you isn't it? Why do so many Christians take an adversarial stance against Catholics (who are Christians too in my book)? Admittedly catholics tend/appear not to strike out at you...
  8. A

    Protestants when will you realise that the Catholic church is the only real... of Christ ? We have apostolic succession and the word of Christ in the bible as he laid the foundation for our Catholic church . What do you have ? your history goes back to a traitor monk with far too big of an ego. You have thousands of different churches that are Protestant , you...
  9. M

    Atheists do you realise you're presence is the fulfillment of one of the...

    ...prophecies of God? God said Satan's followers will deny his existence and now look at you all.... please come back to the side of God or you're all doomed for ever !!
  10. H

    POLL: Do you realise......?

    (if you are) that you are popular, how does it make you feel BQ: TOY STORY OR SHREK ?
  11. Y

    why don't christians realise the importance of Zoroastrianism to there own religion?

    basic Zoroastrian beliefs there is one all powerful, omnipresent ,uncreated God(Ahura mazda) no evil originates from him there is a destructive Spirit (Angra mainyu)in which all evil an sin originates from him this is the essentially Satan. one day a messiah will come to renew the world on...
  12. L

    Do couples realise that fighting or arguing or having conflict as a couple...

    ...with children is a bad thing? Recently I noticed how lots of people claim that relationships have fighting and arguing conflict as part of it. People say "oh its natural, all couples fight sometimes blah blah". Um hello people do you really think that arguing and fighting couples in front...
  13. C

    When will everyone realise that a Mac is a PC?

    PC = Personal Computer Mac = Branded PC Seriously, has anybody else noticed this & thought the same?
  14. L

    It has taken my surgery 8 years to realise I have pcos , identified by...

    ...liver problems, should i complain.? Since i was 18, I have went back and forth to my gp, about my weight, (being to big for the diet i eat and the activity level I have) depression, acne and hair growth, and everytime ive not been taken seriously, unfortunately this year, my periods...
  15. E

    what is it with americans and this abstinence crap - don't they realise...

    ...that religion is a load of crap? ok, believe in religion if you want, but it seems, to me, that we're going to end up with a generation of sexually-immature adults (for which, read, increased counts of rape, sexual assault, etc), whom do not understand what it is like to be a responsible...
  16. V

    When will guilty motorists realise it's snow use complaining?

    Our supermarket where I am Chief Vehicle Arrangement Officer was offering car tyre chains for £25 a set but nobody was buying. We don't get enough bad days of snow in the UK they said. There are the same motorists who complain because the local authority won't buy a snow plough.