
  1. S

    Christians, The use and veneration of Images and relics in Worship, is this

    not forbidden by Jehovah God? According to synodic canons of the Roman Catholic Church, “saints” are to be invoked as intercessors with God, and both the relics and the images of the “saints” are to be venerated. (Dictionary Definition of, to venerate: "to reverence, to worship")
  2. G

    Turn Modern Gadgets Into Soviet-Era Relics [PhotoshopContest]

    This week's Photoshop Contest was inspired by this magical website: turn today's modern gadgets into utilitarian, Soviet-era devices. No fanciness, just cold usefulness. Send your best entries to me at [email protected] with Soviet Gadgets in the subject line. Save your files as JPGs or GIFs...