
  1. T

    Duloxetine Helps Relieve Pain From Chemotherapy

    The antidepressant drug duloxetine, known commercially as Cymbalta, helped relieve painful tingling feelings caused by chemotherapy in 59 percent of patients, a new study finds. This is the first clinical trial to find an effective treatment for this pain. Chemotherapy-induced peripheral...
  2. G

    Make your donation and relieve your guilt!

    You know you want to! This is just one of the many project you can help out: My Students: Kids love to find out what's happening inside them! From their blood to their bones, we study the human body. Our health book is a good resource for students, but having a model for them to look at and...
  3. M

    Is it okay to smoke weed to relieve nausea?

    Not okay in the eyes of the government, but cannabis is good for nausea
  4. S

    A healthy way to relieve stress?

    I have a lot of times on my hands and am very stressed out. I relieve my stress mostly by picking at my eye lashes and plucking them from bored and stress. I look like a freak everyday with no eye lashes. Someone please help me find a way to relieve my stress.
  5. S

    A healthy way to relieve stress?

    I have a lot of times on my hands and am very stressed out. I relieve my stress mostly by picking at my eye lashes and plucking them from bored and stress. I look like a freak everyday with no eye lashes. Someone please help me find a way to relieve my stress.
  6. S

    A healthy way to relieve stress?

    I have a lot of times on my hands and am very stressed out. I relieve my stress mostly by picking at my eye lashes and plucking them from bored and stress. I look like a freak everyday with no eye lashes. Someone please help me find a way to relieve my stress.
  7. P

    How do i relieve a sore throat, aching joints and nausea?

    I've had this for about 24hrs now, Im under pressure with school work and I really need to be healthy enough to go in tommorrow. Does anyone know anything I can do? Im feeling horrendous
  8. P

    How do i relieve a sore throat, aching joints and nausea?

    I've had this for about 24hrs now, Im under pressure with school work and I really need to be healthy enough to go in tommorrow. Does anyone know anything I can do? Im feeling horrendous
  9. T

    Study In Journal Of Palliative Medicine Finds Opioid Use To Relieve Pain And Sufferin

    Patients who choose to spend their last days at home with specialized care and monitoring can safely be given opioids to control pain and other symptoms without reducing survival time, according to a study published in Journal of Palliative Medicine (JPM), a peer-reviewed journal from Mary Ann...
  10. P

    How can I relieve my back pain?

    I have pain/discomfort while walking, lying down, and basically all physical activities. I am stooped when I am walking. Sitting perfectly upright is the only time I feel some sort of relief. The pain/discomfort is mainly in the lower right hand side of my back and shoots down the right leg. I...
  11. P

    How can I relieve my back pain?

    I have pain/discomfort while walking, lying down, and basically all physical activities. I am stooped when I am walking. Sitting perfectly upright is the only time I feel some sort of relief. The pain/discomfort is mainly in the lower right hand side of my back and shoots down the right leg. I...
  12. T

    Health Overhaul Might Relieve 'Job Lock' Phenomenon

    MarketWatch reports that people "may feel emboldened to start businesses or change jobs because they'll no longer fear having to go without health insurance" if a health care reform bill passes. One overlooked price of the health system's current "distortions," MarketWatch terms it, is the...
  13. I

    Survey: What is a good way to relieve boredom?

    I've already tried exchanging nudes...but it didn't work *cries*
  14. M

    What can you do to relieve my internet boredness?

    I'm so bored. Not in the mood for, can you give me some websites that are funny, have some good games or jokes? I need to kill an hour or so and I like looking at this stuff sometimes to relax. THANKS
  15. A

    effective ways to relieve depression?

    so im kinda young im still a teen on the inside im really depressed but on the outside i dont like people worrying about me so i appear a perfectly normal happy person so normally people sometimes take drugs cut themselves or drink away the pain what would you say is an un harmful way but...
  16. M

    What to use to relieve tooth pain?

    I have some tooth pain and cannot get to the dentist. At this time, I do not have insurance and do not have the money to go. I need something that can relieve the pain. It comes and goes its not all the time. Thanks Mel
  17. A

    How to quickly relieve Severe Sinus Congestion?

    I have had severe sinus congestion in my forehead and cheekbones, my nose has also been congested obviously. I do have a cough and I went to the doctor yesterday, I was told I had bronchitus and she prescribed me Amoxicillan 500mg 3x a day. My cough isn't as bad as it was but my congestion is...
  18. M

    How do I relieve anger? been angry ever since school was out today cuz of a stupid

    rumor my ex spread? I want to scream but I can't, its bad for my singing voice :( And I want to get physical and PUNCH and CHOKE my ex! (you wouldn't expect this from the bubbly, happy girl) he's a compulsive liar who lies about his whole life. we're in highschool and he has the maturity level...
  19. B

    What is a good way to relieve stress?

    Been stressed out lately, how can I release this?
  20. C

    I have bad gas and get extremely bloated in public, anything to do to relieve it?

    Yesterday I had bad gas in school, but I have "trained" my body not to release gas in school; I couldn't do it even if I wanted to. So, my belly ended up getting really bloated and hurt like a SOAB. Eventually, over time I relieved myself at home, but this morning I am having gas again. I know...