
  1. B

    Care giver's unthinking negligence resulted in pedigree dog drowning; can we sue?

    The night before our planned trip to the American Maltese Association National dog show, we left our pedigree 6 pound Maltese, Alfie, with a friend who promised to look after him. On the way to the airport the next morning, at 9:20, I called to see how Alfie was doing. The man said that...
  2. S

    My SGPT resulted to 149 when I had my blood test two weeks ago, my main concern

    is, what dietary supplements? or foods that can best help me reduce the high SGPT aside from stopping drinking alcohol
  3. J

    China, Tainted Milk Resulted in Some Execs Getting a Death Sentence - What...

    ...About the USA? FDA: Ga. plant knowingly shipped tainted products The salmonella outbreak has been blamed for at least eight deaths and 575 illnesses in 43 states. The Justice Department has opened a criminal investigation. More than 1,550 products have been recalled. A Georgia peanut plant...
  4. I

    Why have my healthy eating and personal training resulted in weight gain?

    I am very confused and wondering why my personal training, good eating has resulted in 2kg weight gain? It certainly is not muscle and I figured I would feel better but I feel sluggish. I quit smoking a 6 weeks ago and thinking my metabolism is playing payback and almost stopped - any...