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    Britney Spears Looks Great, Sounds Sane On Tonight Show

    In the midst of a trial where accusations of her one-time meth addiction*and*mental problems*are flying, Britney Spears appeared on The Tonight Show Monday night looking lovely and seeming refreshingly normal. More »Britney Spears Looks Great, Sounds Sane On Tonight Show is a post from: Blisstree
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    Vaginal Rejuvenation Makes Gynos (And Most Sane People) Highly Uncomfortable

    Female genital cosmetic surgery. Honestly, I feel uncomfortable typing those words. In the face of vaginoplasty, I would kind of like to bury my head in the sand and pretend it's not happening. I feel sad just thinking about women who are so insecure about their lady-parts that they choose...
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    Let’s All Listen To Jenna Fischer Say Very Sane Things About Post-Baby Weight Loss

    The Office star Jenna Fischer basically only says smart things, because she is great. But the still-new mom's most recent truthbombs couldn't have come at a better time. As tabloids and women's magazine alike go bananas over*Beyonce's*rapid weight loss (due to an absolutely batcrackers personal...
  4. T

    Isn't it a more sane and healthy existence if we are in fact a Free Nation . . . ? have the Freedom to succeed or the Freedom to fail, rather than allowing the Government to decide which group they choose for us to be in ? Are we Pawns or People ?
  5. M

    Was Bellatrix sane before going to Azkaban?

    Bellatrix has always been a fascinating character to me and with the fascination come a question that I have yet to receive an answer for. A friend told me that the reason Bellatrix was crazy was because she spent so much time in Azkaban that it drove her mad. My question is this, was Bellatrix...
  6. A

    Is it sane to laugh while you're crying?

    Is it sane to start laughing at yourself and/or a situation while you cry? I don't know if it's normal or not. I never thought it was an issue, but someone told me I have "some issues" when they witnessed it. Now I'm not sure if that's a natural human response or if I'm going crazy. Any input...
  7. G

    Can any sane man/woman tell me the difference between these games..?

    Rome: Total War & Rome: Total War Barbarian Invavsion Need for Speed Most Wanted & Need for Speed Most Wanted Black SIMS3 & SIMS 3 Gold Need for Speed Carbon & Need for Speed Gold Edition Hitman Blood Money & Hitman Blood Money v2 Deluxe Edition What does the name Gold Edition, Barbarian...
  8. R

    Why can't I find one Sane woman that I am actually interested in?

    Just had a short relationship end for one of the dumbest reasons. We were hitting it off, dating for months and we really liked each other. I met her boss 2 weeks ago and we hit it off. I put in a good word to him about her since she was a temp and was worried about keeping her job. he agreed...
  9. R

    Why can't I find one Sane woman that I am actually interested in?

    Just had a short relationship end for one of the dumbest reasons. We were hitting it off, dating for months and we really liked each other. I met her boss 2 weeks ago and we hit it off. I put in a good word to him about her since she was a temp and was worried about keeping her job. he agreed...
  10. K

    How can someone define what sane is?

    Sanity is an objective thing, surely? What is considered sane or insane now would have been completely acceptable or unacceptable in the 19th century... I'm quite confused by my own pondering..
  11. C

    How do i stay awake and keep sane?

    I've just gotten a really good, well paying job (which we all know is hard to find right now). However, it requires a 2 hour commute there and 2 hour commute home. That's a 4 hour commute per day plus an 8 1/2 hour shift. So my question is, how do i stay awake so i can have a small life...