
  1. K

    How do I create a DVD with seperate selections for both photos and videos?

    Hey! I'm looking for DVD making software for windows 7 either free, cheap or otherwise. I have downloaded some but can't seem to find what I want. I need something that lets me upload multiple files or folders and allows me to assign them their own selection on the DVD. Kinda like, special...
  2. K

    How do I create a DVD with seperate selections for both photos and videos?

    Hey! I'm looking for DVD making software for windows 7 either free, cheap or otherwise. I have downloaded some but can't seem to find what I want. I need something that lets me upload multiple files or folders and allows me to assign them their own selection on the DVD. Kinda like, special...
  3. N

    Why is everyone Complaining about the All star selections?

    Not like it is going to change anything....
  4. C

    Which of the following selections of lines is an example of using specific words... create a mock-heroic style? "He saw this fox that lay there, crouching low. Nothing of urge was in him, then, to crow;" "And saw the fox into the grove just gone, Bearing upon his back the cock away." "This simple widow and her daughters two Heard these hens cry and make so great ado,"...
  5. T

    What do you think of my book selections for my upcoming vacation?

    Well, I decided that I wanted: 1. a Russian book 2. a French book 3. an American book 4. a slightly obscure book from a lesser studied country/region SO, here are my selections (respectively) 1. Lolita 2. The Three Musketeers 3. The Perks of Being a Wallflower 4. My Name is Red (Turkey/Orhan...
  6. S

    Why doesn't iTunes have more movie selections?

    I just tried to purchase the movies "She's the Man" and "Not Another Teen Movie" but iTunes doesn't have them. They have the soundtracks for the movies but not the actual movies. Is there anywhere/thing else I can do to get those movies onto my iPod??
  7. S

    Why doesn't iTunes have more movie selections?

    I just tried purchasing the movies "She's the Man" and "Not Another Teen Movie" but iTunes doesn't have them in their library, along with many others. Where can I go or what can I do to get these movies onto my iPod? Thanks! **I PICK BEST ANSWERS**
  8. A

    Why do magazine's "best of" issues only have celebrities as their selections?

    Why do magazine's "best of" issues only have celebrities as their selections? My girlfriend looks better than all celebrities People Magazine chose as the most beautiful women.